Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Devil is in the Details

“And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of him?” (1Ki 22:7 AV)

The devil is in the details.  The difference between truth and error is often subtle.  The prophets of Ahab refused to prophesy in the name of the LORD.  They did not preface their prophesy with “this saith the LORD.”  Old Testament law required them to do so and if the thing did not come to pass, then they were to be executed.  What astounds me is the carelessness in which many today treat truth and the lack of discernment or concern of God’s people to separate truth from error.

I remember my High School algebra class.  It wasn’t enough that the right answer was at the end of the problem.  The way in which we got the right answer was also granted.  The steps to solve the problem was just as important as the end result.  I never understood this.  Who cares how the right answer came to be.  As long as the solution was correct.  But there was a principle to learn.  Simple steps became more complicated steps.  Learning the basics of problem solving laid a foundation to solve more complicated problems.  When the wrong answer was the result, the devil was in the details.  It mattered how one went about his work.  Specifics matter.  Details matter.

The man of God is often judged as being to persnickety about the Bible and Bible truth.  We are accused of making minors into majors.  I remember my early Christian walk and the attitude I had towards my pastors.  They always brought me back to the Bible.  In Bible school, they didn’t allow any error, no matter how little, to slide.  Today, people couldn’t care less.  As long as we have our liberty and can do whatever we want, then that is all that matters.  The problem is, God judges what matters and what does not.  Details can often lead to catastrophic consequences.  Like a plane flying one degree of course, over time, can have no place to land.  Details matter!  They always have!

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