Sunday, March 11, 2018

Correct Response Determines True Repentance

“Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.” (2Sa 12:20 AV)

Herein is another reason David is so special.  Many would have been bitter at the death of their newborn son.  Nathan the prophet told David the child was going to die.  Yet David fasted and prayed for this young child’s life hoping that perhaps the LORD would change his mind.  When the LORD didn’t change His mind, David’s response was to worship the LORD.  Many would believe the contriteness of one’s heart would overturn the chastening hand of God.  When it doesn’t, many would be angry and bitter against the LORD for doing what He said He was going to do.  Not David.  He washed himself, changed his cloths, anointed himself, and went to tabernacle to worship.  This is evidence of true repentance!

How many have told our child that if he or she fails to obey, they would receive a chastening hand.  Not wanting the consequences, they would wail, “but I said I was sorry!”  Thinking that emotional drama would be the escape clause from a firm hand, they build it up good.  When first tried, resulting in failure, they come to terms with the hand of chastisement.  However, as this is tried again and again, failing each time, something different happens.  That young child changes his tactics.  He becomes bitter or angry at his parent’s correction thinking he will guilt trip the parents and cause emotional harm equal to what he just received.  This doesn’t work either.  The next stage is indifference.  Accepting the chastening while showing a stone-cold reaction that says, “I really don’t care what you do, it won’t affect me.”  What the parent is hoping to get is a confession that chastisement was deserved and maybe even a thank you for it.  This last bit of maturity may never come.  Or at least not as a child.  This is what David did.  He prayed God might change His mind.  When He didn’t, David worshipped Him anyway.  He accepted the consequences of his actions as his just do and gave God the glory!

The next time we are chastened of the LORD, mark our reaction.  How we respond to the chastening hand of God will reveal if we are truly repentant for what we have done.

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