Wednesday, March 7, 2018

For The LORD's Sake

The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness: for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD’S anointed. And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.” (1Sa 26:23-24 AV)

David and Abishai snuck down in the middle of the night to steal Saul’s sword and canteen.  The LORD protected them by causing the whole camp, including Abner, to suffer a deep sleep.  When in the tent, Abishai suggested they kill Saul and be done with it.  Bad idea for two reasons.  The first, being it would have awoken the entire camp.  They would not have made it out of there alive.  But more so, David refused because he was principled.  He would not raise his hand against the LORD’s anointed.  What is interesting here is the motive if David.  Reading on to the next chapter, it is clear David did not trust the word of Saul.  Saul promised not to pursue him.  Which, by the way, he never did because the Philistines rose up. David didn’t know this and fled to the land of Gath, the capital of the Philistines.  David did what he did to prove to himself and the LORD that he as integrity.  David did this for God’s favor.  He proved to the LORD that he had faith to allow the LORD to deal with the LORD’s anointed.

Some might argue, and rightfully so, that God does not tempt to evil.  This is absolutely true.  But here is the key:  God knew what David would do.  Plus, David had opportunity in the past to dispose of Saul.  As in the bathroom break Saul took while David was right behind him.  That would have been far less of a risk then stealing his sword while surrounded by the enemy.  God knows what we will do before we do it.  When a time of proving comes, He knows the outcome before we know the outcome.  This time of proving is an opportunity for us to learn something about ourselves and to glorify the LORD in our choice.

David proved to himself and to Saul the purity of his heart.  This move was a checkmate.  As David protected the life of Saul, so too will the LORD protect his.  The next time we have opportunity to do the wrong thing, let us remember that God honors integrity and righteousness.  He remembers.  He has allowed us to make choices.  The LORD did not tell David to do this.  He did this on his own.  God protected him and gave him a miracle that made obedience possible.  But the choice was David’s.  The LORD wants us to walk in obedience far more that we do and will make a way for obedience every time.  Sometimes, we need to make choices of faith and trust the LORD to make a way!

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