Thursday, March 1, 2018

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.” (1Sa 2:3 AV)

These are the words of Hannah.  Hannah is speaking to her husband’s other wife.  This other wife had children when Hannah had none.  This other wife tormented Hannah without mercy because Hannah was barren.  The verse above is part of a song sung after the LORD had blessed Hannah with Samuel.  Specifically, Hannah is comparing her adversary’s actions of cruel mockery against her faith in the LORD.  One might also consider that Elkanah, Hannah’s husband, clearly loved Hannah more than he could ever love his other wife.  And both knew it.  Hannah refused to retaliate with this fact and simply asked the LORD for a child whom she would return to the service of the LORD.

There is an old saying, “actions speak louder than words.”  Hannah’s choice to put her faith in action by praying earnestly at tabernacle was what the LORD saw.  The LORD rewarded Hannah for her love towards her husband and faith in God.  She prayed so earnestly at tabernacle that the priest stood up and took notice.  She was so full of emotion and desperation, he thought her drunk.  She assaulted the throne of God to the point Eli granted the desire of her heart without even knowing what it was or if the LORD’s will was for her to have it.  In that little prayer meeting, Hannah was able to show a priest what desperate faith looked like.  Maybe the LORD was using Hannah to teach Eli how to pray for the children he had.

Here is something the LORD has really impressed upon my heart this week.  God does not take lightly our willingness to step out on faith.  He knows His own abilities and understands that our steps are miniscule compared to His power to answer.  Yet, He can appreciate the faith and love it takes on our part to trust Him in the middle of difficulty.  He has impressed upon me afresh the importance of stepping in faith prior to realizing the fruit of that step.  Like the children of Israel following the footsteps of the priests into Jordan, we cannot have all the answers.  Otherwise, it is not faith.

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