Sunday, March 18, 2018

Rebellion Against God Results in Strife with One Another

“And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days of his life.” (1Ki 15:6 AV)

This is a switch from the last time we saw a potential war between the north and the south.  Rehoboam was fixing to invade the north when the LORD told him no.  The kingdom had just split because of Solomon’s idolatry.  It was of the LORD to split the kingdom.  The constant war between the two came because of habitual disobedience between the two houses.  Neither followed the LORD.  It wouldn’t be until much later when Jehoshaphat of the south and Jehu from the north both followed the LORD that there would be any kind of peace between the two.  This is what happens to relationships when neither follow the LORD.  There will be constant strife for no good reason between two who should be closely allied.

I grew up in a large family with many siblings. At any one time, there were a few of us going through those rebellious years at the same time.  My poor parents!  It was amazing to see how, at one moment, two teenagers could be in cahoots against a parent, but then be at one another’s throats the next.  They could be conspiring to get away with something together, but once the united rebellion was over, they would be in a roe.  This is why discipline is so important.  I have seen families who were filled with strife because no one wished to follow the LORD.  I have seen marriages in disarray because neither spouse wishes to follow the LORD.  There are preoccupied with self-interest rather than to both live sacrificially unto the LORD.

Harmony can only be had in the presence of the LORD.  As both seek to walk with the LORD, then both will learn to live in harmony one with the other.  It is a real shame the amount of damage that is done in the name of disobedience.  Even in our own nation, we have discontent and strife.  The biggest reason is because we rejected our foundation of Judao-Christian belief.  We have turned our backs on the God who created us and in whose law we find our own.  Now, we have riots and lawsuits against one another thinking that law will solve our problem.  It didn’t solve Israel’s problem.  Only a right relationship with the LORD will bring peace and harmony to our nation, churches, and families.

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