Friday, March 2, 2018

Not In a King

And it came to pass, while the ark abode in Kirjathjearim, that the time was long; for it was twenty years: and all the house of Israel lamented after the LORD.” (1Sa 7:2 AV)

This is a new low for Israel.  Prior to this, when the nation went after other gods and were overcome by neighboring peoples, it was without a judge.  This time, Samuel was the judge.  There was a prophet in the nation yet they still went after other gods.  Their solution was to anoint a king like the other nations around them.  They figured if they had a king to organize them and fight their battles, they could have their cake and eat it, too.  If they had a king who would lead, then they could avoid the chastening hand of God because the king would overcome it.  However, the king would become a bigger problem than the chastening of the LORD.  This is of what Samuel tried to warn these people.  If the people would not follow Samuel, the man of God, then a political leader was not going to save them.  The political leader would eventually become a snare to them.

My, oh my, how history teaches us that we do not learn.  Our nation has placed all its faith in the political leadership of its people.  We have abandoned God and the church, then turned to our government to save us.  The tragic thing is, there is a false sense of security among the people of our nation.  But we are not thinking this all the way through.  God will not turn his hand of judgment as long as we murder the unborn and encourage the sodomites.  We may have prosperity for a season.  But the time is coming when the LORD must judge the actions of our people.  We have turned our back on the most helpless of all who have no voice at all, watching them cut to pieces, discarded like waste and wonder if the LORD is watching.  We pass laws to protect the wickedness of the perverts all in the name of pseudo-science and ‘enlightened’ thinking not realizing these same sodomites will do to the church what they did to Lot.

We vote to ourselves a populist president who supports abortion on demand and protects the sodomites and think that God will bless because we build a wall and deregulate business.  What is alarming is that so-called Christians will stand by and not critique what is morally wrong because they enjoy increased prosperity.  We have hired a king because the church and her preachers are no longer an authority.  Christ and His word are no longer the answer.  Washington is!  We have been headed for trouble for a long time.  It is long past overdue!

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