Monday, April 17, 2017

You May Be More Famous Than You Think

“And next unto them the Tekoites repaired; but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord. Moreover the old gate repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah, and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah; they laid the beams thereof, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks thereof, and the bars thereof.” (Ne 3:5-6 AV)

It would bother me if the nobles didn’t put their necks to the work.  It would bother me if there were people who thought the work of the ministry was beneath them.  It would bother me if there were leaders too good to sweep a floor, paint a wall, or clean a toilet.  It would bother me if I ever got that way.  Those who did the work, no doubt, would fight the same feelings.  But there is a great consolation.  Those that did the work were mentioned -by name-in the word of God for all of eternity!

It always amazes me when I read passages like this where people are mentioned by name having labored for the LORD or sacrifices for His kingdom.  Not so much the Moses’, Daniels, or Davids.  These men did great things for the kingdom of God and deserve eternal recognition.  This doesn’t surprise me.  But when there are folks who did the menial or simple things of the ministry whose presence could have easily been filled by another are mentioned, that is something.  That God would use valuable space in His eternal word to recognize men and women whose impact may not have been as great as a Nehemiah says volumes of the God whom we serve.

Even though the cannon of scripture is closed, that doesn’t mean God will fail to recognize all those who have faithfully and quietly served the LORD.  Next time we are tempted to resent those in the limelight who refuse to labor quietly for the LORD, just remember, God knows!  And God will recognize you in eternity for the selfless labor which you joyfully give towards the One who died for your sins!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT THOUGHT! When it comes to God's work there is no "small" work or meaningless work. EVERYTHING done for God (no matter how man sees it) is completely worth the time and effort no matter what it is we are doing. Ecclesiastes 9:10
