Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Just Pray

“O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man [pleadeth] for his neighbour!” (Job 16:21 AV)

Knowing when to give counsel with prayer or just prayer alone is important.  Job really didn’t need the opinions of his friends.  He really didn’t need their judgments.  What he needed was empathy and prayer.  He knew the trouble of which he was suffering was not for some horrible sin of which he was guilty.  He knew he was right with God.  His own conscience would affirm this.  His friends needed to admit they had no answers and just pray with him.

There are two kinds of people.  Those who need advice and those who do not.  The majority of people need advice but don’t want to hear it.  So, trying to offer it when not wanted is a waste of time.  Then there are those who need advice and will listen.  God has to bring them to that point.  There is the group that does not need advice because the either a) already know the situation better than anyone else, so advice comes off as condescending, or b) there isn’t any advice to be given because their situation is a step of faith and waiting on God is the only answer, or c) the situation is above anyone’s ability to understand it and all opinions are misses!

As we stated before, most people fall into the category of needed biblical instruction but turn away from it.  Instead, they desire empathy without correction.  A prayer is all the ministry they will accept.  But Job is different.  If there were any words of wisdom to be had from this bunch, he would have listened.  But they were unwilling to entertain the possibility that Job indeed might be innocent.  They were predisposed to condemn him and the cause of all his troubles.  What Job needed to most was empathy.  Because that I all there was to give.  So, next time someone is in a world of hurt, empathy should be automatic.  Then, if there is wisdom to be shared, following the lead of the Holy Spirit is a must.  Prayer will never hurt.  Sometimes, miss applied advice can be more hurtful than the situation at hand!

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