Thursday, April 20, 2017

Victory by the Humiliated!

“Again Esther spake unto Hatach, and gave him commandment unto Mordecai;” (Es 4:10 AV)

The book of Esther is an amazing book.  Every time I think I have noticed the sovereign hand of God, something else pops up.  As many know, Esther is the only book of the Bible that does not state God’s name mentions Him directly.  However, one can see the sovereign hand of God as events are arranged to protect the people of God.  The application of Esther is simple.  Even though we may not sense the presence of God from time to time does not mean He has ceased to work.  He is always working on the behalf of His sheep.

Another theme of Esther is how God will use those whom the world humiliates to overcome the very world that humiliated them.  Esther is a great example.  As a Jewess and understanding what the word of God says, she would not have enjoyed the station in life as a concubine.  Furthermore, as the Queen, she would have been married to an adulterous husband who had concubines.  Her marital life would have been humiliating.  Married to a pagan king who was not exclusively her husband was an embarrassment to a faithful Jew.

Now we see another.  Hatach, a chamberlain of the king, was a messenger sent from Esther to her uncle Mordecai. A chamberlain is another name for a eunuch.  A eunuch was a man who had his male member surgically removed to keep him from relationships with women.  Specially the concubines of a king.  The position of chamberlain was not an honorary one!  It was a position of humiliation.  This Hatach received, and was privy to, communication between the Queen and Mordicai.  He would have known that Esther was Jewish.  Yet, he never divulged that information.  More than likely because in his physical state, he was not afforded the privilege to communicate with anyone but a concubine.  To the LORD, this humiliated man played a key role in keeping the Queen safe and delivering God’s people from slaughter.  God used the humiliated to conquer the proud!

So, next time those who hate the LORD do what they can to humiliate you, remember Hatach!  Given time, the scales will even.  What is wonderful about it is that we who are humiliated need not take matters in our own hands.  God is sovereign over it all.  Even if it takes eternity, God is better at evening the scales than we ever will be!

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