Monday, April 10, 2017

Where is that one man?

“And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, [There is] yet one man, by whom we may enquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil: the same [is] Micaiah the son of Imla. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so.” (2Ch 18:7 AV)

While reading this passage, I was struck by the condition of Israel and why it would be that any prophet of God would want to be there.  Ahab was perhaps the worst of the worst when it came to Israel’s kings.  Married to a pagan wife, Jezebel, he did more to corrupt Israel than any other king before or after him.  He has 400 of his own prophets that will tell him anything he wants to hear.  There is no hope for revival in the terribly backslidden nation.  They have rejected the LORD that brought them out of Egypt and gave them their own land.  They have turned their back on Jerusalem.  They are closer ot the heathen nations around them than they are their fellow Hebrews to the south.  There is nothing of any future there.  So, why would anyone be there who wants to do a work for God?  What would possess him?

But, thank God for that one man!  Thank God for Mecaiah!  Thank God for the one who would confront Jehoshaphat and tell him he was making a big mistake.  Thank God for that one man who stood and declared the word of God without compromise or care for his own welfare.  Thank God for the one man who is a testimony to so many men of God after him to stay the course and preach the word no matter the consequences.  Thank God that there was at least one man!

There are so many times that I want to quit!  So many times, I look across the horizon of compromise and carnality.  There are so many times I see what other false prophets are doing and how they are enticing the multitudes into an emotional driven shallow religion that has no lasting change in the lives of those it touches!  I am so tired of the failure of the so-called church and wonder what it is that I am doing here.  But Mechaiah was that one man that continued to fight.  He suffered in the darkness of a prison.  He was rag tattered and filthy.  Yet, there is one man!  There is one man!

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