Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Prayer For The Leader

“And for the wood offering, at times appointed, and for the firstfruits. Remember me, O my God, for good.” (Ne 13:31 AV)

Nehemiah has this prayer request four times.  Each time, Nehemiah had to correct the children of Israel for some major issue which they were having.  Most involved neglect of the house of God and His priests.  One was the intermarriage of the Hebrews with pagan neighbors.  This request is interesting.  It has always puzzled me.  The motive is what puzzles me.  On the face of it, is may appear to be a request founded upon self-righteousness.  The fact that he himself did not succumb to the temptations which his people did and that he is asking the LORD to reward him for his godliness compared to the failure of his people.

I don’t think that is what is happening.  When Nehemiah made the decisions he did, it cost him something.  Leaders understand this.  To lead often means there are steep prices to pay that others will never know nor understand.  Often times, the leader is left alone.  He stands alone because the decisions he makes are not (at least initially) welcomed by the people he leads.  Over time, they will agree it was the right thing to do.  But in the short term, the leader stands awful lonely as the people acquiesce.

No doubt there was murmuring and a slight air of rebellion as they had to put away their foreign wives.  It surely didn’t go over well when the chief priest was corrected and embarrassed because he gave safe harbor to a pagan and enemy of God’s people.  Is surely was not popular when the people were forced to tithe again in support of God’s priests.  So, when Nehemiah asked the LORD to remember him, I think what he was asking is the LORD remember him by his presence.  Nehemiah is asking for the LORD’s presence because he needed it!  To lead without the presence of God is impossible.  The greatest prayer God’s people could pray for their leadership is that he walks with God first!

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