Thursday, September 14, 2023

Taking Time To Be Wise

“Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.” (Pr 14:33 AV)

To grasp the deep meaning here, we have to be reminded of the definitions of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  As they appear in the book of Proverbs, knowledge is the gathering of facts.  Understanding is knowing how those facts relate to one another for the purpose of using those principles.  Wisdom is the discipline to apply what one has learned.  Therefore, the first part of the phrase above makes perfectly good sense.  We will not be wise unless we take the time to meditate over what we have heard or read.  The fool, on the other hand, does not take time to consider what he has learned.  It is known very quickly.  All he needs to do is open his mouth and he will exhibit toward all his lack of mental exercise in learning and applying what he has heard or seen.  Let us consider the wise man rather than the fool.

Time is one of the greatest commodities we have and often the greatest thing wasted.  Time to think and muse is priceless.  We scanter about life going to and fro and do not take the time to consider the principles of the word of God.  We do not read the word of God faithfully.  This causes many problems.  How are we supposed to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit if we shut out the most obvious of all His means of speaking?  How are we supposed to figure out life when Peter tells us it is the knowledge of Jesus Christ revealed in His word that gives us all things that pertain to life and godliness?  How is it we expect to make the right choices if we do not stop and think about how all things work together?  Muse time must increase.

Some of us learn by experiment rather than by instruction.  Remember the erector sets?  They predated Legos.  For those unfamiliar, the erector sets were sets of pieces that went together with hardware like bolts and such rather than snap together like Legos.  Depending on the set you had, it might include an electric motor, valves, and other mechanical add-ons.  The set came with little to no instructions.  Imagination was your instruction book.  Today, Legos come as a set.  These sets build a specific thing.  You have to read and follow the instructions to build what is pictured on the box.  It takes very little imagination.  If you do not follow the instructions, you will not be successful.  It takes time and patience.  I have heard of a set of Legos that build a playable piano.  Amazing.  Imagination cannot produce that.  Someone had to think and plan that all the way through.

This is how life is.  God has planned it all the way through.  He knows what He is doing and has given us a book to tell us how life is to be lived.  It takes work.  It takes time.  It takes thinking over and again regarding the information He has left us.  If we do not take the time to consider the word of God, then we will not be wise in our choices.  We are not naturally wise.  We do not do what we should.  It starts with time and work in the word of God.

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