Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Continuing Instant

“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;” (Ro 12:12 AV)

Continuing instant in prayer is to have the mindset to be in a constant state of awareness so if prayer is to be made, it can be done in an instant.  This instruction goes well with another from Paul.  “Pray without ceasing.” (1Th 5:17 AV)  Having the mindset that God is always with us no matter the circumstances and that a conversation can be had with Him is hard to do.  We get caught up in the business of life and forget that God is right there all the time.  We compartmentalize our relationship with the LORD and schedule Him in as a ‘thing’ we do.  We read our bibles.  We pray over our list.  Then we go about our busy day with never another thought that God is still there.  The word ‘instant’ jumps out at me.  The attitude that Paul is trying to convey is being in such a state of mind where prayer comes naturally and unabated.  Although there is nothing wrong with a prayer closet, one is not absolutely necessary for prayer.  If we look in the word of God, we see people praying in all sorts of places and under all sorts of circumstances.  Much of the prayer recorded in the word of God is spontaneous and natural.  The psalms record some prayer and these psalms were sung for specific purposes and in specific places.  But most prayer was not religious duty or a rite which the saint pre-planned and pre-wrote.  Having a prayer life that is instant requires we remember the proximity of our God is ever-present.

When I think of someone who is super aware of relationships, my wife tops the list.  There is a reason she is well-loved.  When she is with anyone, she makes a connection.  She cannot be in a room and sit by herself.  She has to talk to someone.  Even if it is just her and I and the dog, if she cannot talk to me, she will talk to the dog.  She is instant in communication.  She has to acknowledge others and have herself affirmed by their response.  My wife is the ultimate ‘people-person’.  Alone time is not in her vocabulary.  She has to know all that she can about the person to whom she is talking.  She makes time to hear and to speak.  When we go to church, she is almost the last one to leave.  As long as there is someone to talk to, she will visit for a bit.  Someone who is instant in conversation is well aware of the presence of another.  They cannot help it.  They are so socially acclimated they cannot be around another being without some kind of exchange.  The reason is simple.  They love people and they love to be loved.

Being instant in prayer requires we consider, nonstop, the presence of God.  God is spirit.  He is everywhere and at all times.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  We are like two buddies sitting in a boat fishing in the middle of a lake.  We know each is sitting with the other.  We have something in common.  We are fishing.  We know enough of the other to carry on a conversation.  Yet what do two guys do?  They sit almost silent for the entire day.  Their communication is goal-oriented.  They may communicate as a team to harbor the boat.  They may speak to one another as they choose where to eat dinner.  They may speak if they need help landing a fish.  But to have small talk or talk of troubles in the heart would never happen.  That is not us.  This is how we treat the LORD.  We speak to Him only when necessary and usually only when we need something.  This is not what Paul had in mind when he told us to be instant in prayer.  He had in mind an ongoing conversation that resumes at any time and for any reason.

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