Thursday, September 21, 2023

Prayer of Encouragement

“Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2Th 1:11-12 AV)

There is so much packed in these two verses, that it challenges me as to what the LORD would bring out.  The context truly gives this passage power.  Paul is speaking of the second coming of Christ. The verses immediately preceding the two above deal with the LORD’s vengeance on those who trouble the saints.  The prayer Paul offers is in the context of a discouraged church who are browbeaten by the God-haters.  The promise of Christ’s return and eternal justice is the hope of the saints.  Until that time, though, we are to walk worthy of the calling of being a believer. That calling is to fulfill all the good pleasure of His will and walk by faith with power.  It is verse twelve that pops out at me.  Paul’s desire is for the name of the LORD Jesus Christ to be glorified in the church of Thessalonica and that they might be glorified in Christ.  The goal here is not to see how big of a work they can build or how many are saved each week.  Although that is important and should not be minimized.  Otherwise, they will cease to win anyone.  Rather, Paul desires a mutual relationship that overcomes discouragement so that Christ might be exalted in that church.

Discouragement is a real problem. So much so in the hearts of the baby boomers.  We cut our teeth on a church that was vibrant and outgoing.  We were focused on bringing others to Christ.  And the results showed it.  We saw conversions regularly.  There was a time when the baptismal waters stirred almost every Sunday.  Church grew like wildfire.  Colleges sprang up.  Camp meetings went on for weeks and not days.  Our missions conferences lasted at least a week.  Sometimes more.  Record amounts of pledges came in.  Building projects, outreaches, and bus ministries were common.  They were not an exception to the rule.  By comparison, today’s churches are dead.  It started when electronic entertainment was held in the hand and taken everywhere.  Prior, you had to set aside time and effort to be entertained.  TV was in its infancy.  There wasn’t too much on the screen to stop what you were doing and watch. A movie meant a walk or car ride to a theatre, a couple of hours to watch the movie, and a trek back home.  A new movie came out once every six weeks.  Now, they come out every week and can be viewed in the convenience of your recliner.  There were no such things as apps, social media, or texting.  We are so busy being idle that we don’t have time for the Holy Spirit.

Add to all this, the increased apathy of the world towards God, the constant badgering of the world on the saints, and the need to work harder than ever before, and the saints simply had little to no desire to sell out for God.  There is nothing left to give.  The times they are a changin’.  All this works to discourage the fading generation.  Sort of like those returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and wall.  They compared what they had to what they used to have and wept.  Rather than rejoice that God was doing something, they found remorse over what they lost.  Paul prays for this beleaguered church that they might tap into an eternal and infinite God.  He prays they might find the power to finish well.  God is not done yet.  Yes, the times are difficult.  They always have been.  What was true of the first-century church has been true of the church throughout the ages.  The great awakenings we have experienced are the exception.  They are not the rule.  So, we need to stop our fussing and lean into the load.  Rather than pull the shoulder away, we need to bear that shoulder into the stiff headwind.  We need power!  We need faith!  All this comes through prayer.  Prayer for ourselves and prayer for one another.

1 comment:

  1. James 5:16 (AV)
    The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’
    Thank you for caring!
