Sunday, September 17, 2023

Strong in Another

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” (Eph 6:10 AV)

The last two words is our thought this morning.  There are times when the LORD tells us to bear under our own strength.  The LORD will not do all things for us and through us solely His own power.  He gives us the strength to accomplish many tasks in life, endure many troubles in life, and help others along this life.  This strength is the breath of life given to all who live.  We can get up, go to work, earn a paycheck, feed our families, and do it all over again the next day.  We can read the word of God, write some words, pray, and serve God to some extent.  There are many things in life wherein the breath of life and provision for the flesh is sufficient.  Yet, there are more times when we cannot do what must be done and we must remember to be strong in the LORD and the power of HIS MIGHT!

My lineage is German/Jewish.  At least that is what they tell me.  Part of being German is a propensity for efficiency.  We have this innate drive that makes us do things the quickest, easiest, and most effective way possible.  If there isn’t a machine that does what we need to do, we will invent one.  If one does exist, we will improve it.  If we are sweating, then we are not doing it right.  We can get more done with less effort than most.  Where most would muscle through it, us Germans will think of a way to disperse the load through invention and safely get the job done much quicker and will less wasted time and effort.  Several years back, my soul-winning partner and I came across a family trying to remove a metal awning from the front of a house.  The daughter who owned the house had her father and mother out there trying to get this thing off and to the curb.  It was no small awning.  This awning was about twenty feet in length.  It had to weigh more than one hundred pounds.  Dad was in his sixties.  I saw shape edges and weight coming down on the head of this poor guy if someone didn’t do something.  So, my partner and I offered to help.  Knowing the potential fatal injury that could have happened by removing this solely with a  saw and drill, we had to come up with a better way.  So, I asked the daughter if she had any lumber that might help.  She came back with two twelve-foot planks!  Awesome. Then I asked if she had any tent stakes.  She did.  We jammed those planks up underneath the awning against the house and drove the stakes in to stabilize the planks. All they needed to do was stay below the planks and when the awning broke free, it would fall on the planks and ride down to the ground.  Then need to place their limited strength on something much stronger than they.

We are like that family.  We try to do things the hard way much too often.  We try to go through our trials by charging through them in our own power.  We have very little compared to what we are facing.  Learning there is divine power greater than ourselves is key to navigating through these impossible times.  The LORD really spoke to me this morning.  I am like everyone else.  I am a weak and powerless human being compared to the battles that lie before me.  If I try to do it on my own, I will fail.  If I learn to trust Him and yield to His strength, I will be just fine.  God does not want us to go through life alone.  He wants us to trust Him and rely on Him.  The power of His might is always there.  All we must do is yield to it.

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