Saturday, December 3, 2022

Unclench The Fist

Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.” (Pr 3:30 AV)


It is in our nature to strive.  Especially a culture that thrives on competition and justice.  We are addicted to sports.  We have to dominate an adversary.  We have to engage in a contest in which we are almost guaranteed a victory.  We don’t care how badly we beat each other, as long as we come out on top.  The futility of college football comes to mind.  The final score matters just as much as the win or loss.  The more badly one beats their opponent, the higher in national ranking the team is.  Schedules are made to reflect that goal.  Much stronger teams play much weaker teams to run up the score.  We are also obsessed with justice.  If we feel slighted, even if we were not, we pursue equity and fairness.  We have to even the score.  This is ingrained in our culture and our nature.  We want to strive because it is one way that makes us feel alive.  If we are fighting about something, then we have a purpose greater than ourselves.  It defines life.  But here are fights to pick and fights to avoid.  Our instrument of the Holy Spirit, Solomon, shares a good bit of advice here.  Do not fight where no fight is warranted.  If we have not suffered or are not continuing to suffer, then let it alone.  Paul tells us where at all possible, to live peaceably with all men.

This morning, I watched a brief video that was on a news website of two men duking it out at a gym.  The reason for the fight was not mentioned.  These two were rather large men and they were carrying on around workout equipment.  It would not have taken much for one or both of them to be seriously hurt.  What astounded me was how many others stood around and watched without trying to intervene.  There were treadmills, bikes, and resistance equipment with weights.  I was waiting to see if one of the two combatants would pick up a dumbbell or weight disk to clobber the other with it.  The video ended when a much smaller woman stepped in to break it up.  Then a couple of other large men also entered the fray and broke it up.  What started it?  Who knows.  Did anything get resolved?  More than likely not.  A fight rarely starts to see which one is stronger.  A fight rarely starts to see which one is right.  Striving breaks out for one reason only.  PRIDE.  No doubt, both men parted still thinking each was right.  No doubt both went their separate ways thinking the other was in the wrong.  Striving didn’t solve a thing.  But that never entered the mind of either.

The same is true for most altercations.  Striving without a cause doesn’t solve a thing.  It only results in both parties becoming more resolute in their position.  Striving will harm one or both parties.  That is why it is so serious.  These two men, no matter who was in the right, walked away with injuries.  Both had bruises, cuts, and perhaps a broken bone or two.  Those who strive never consider the personal cost to self.  There will be scars.  Sometimes, those scars can be serious.  Solomon is a wise man.  As a king, he knows that picking unnecessary wars will cost him.  He knows he will seldom gain more than he has lost.  Therefore, peace is the better part of valor.

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