Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Forget Not All His Benefits

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” (Ps 103:1,2 AV)


What a reminder!  Especially when things are not going so well.  The remainder of this psalm is just as incredible as the first two verses.  The very next verse speaks of forgiveness.  David takes it from there and lists things God has done for him from a spiritual and eternal perspective more so than a temporal one.  I couldn’t help but be encouraged this morning.  When our lives are difficult and we know things will not be as they once were, it is important to remember just how blessed we are.  It is easy to forget.  We are temporal beings.  Our perspective is often influenced by that which will pass.  Our lives are occupied with that which affects us physically and emotionally more so than spiritually.  This is our infirmity.  It ought not to be so.  Our spiritual lives should be the major influence in our lives.  Hands down.  No comparison.  However, it often is not.  Our spiritual life is often the least of our concerns.  Or, at the very least, not our primary reference point.  The soul has benefits.  The body will eventually fail.  The soul will never fail.  It is with this in mind we glorify the LORD for all that He has down for our souls.

Of note is the encouragement not to forget.  The benefits are what they are.  They exist or existed regardless of our memory.  What David edifies his audience to do is to bring to mind, and keep in mind, all the blessings that God is to the soul.  Not the house over our heads.  Not the best friend He granted for a spouse.  Not the wonderful children or grandchildren that He has bestowed.  Not our relatively healthy life, the resources we have in the bank, or our full pantries.  No.  David is asking us not to forget the benefits God has given to the soul.  This is different.  The benefits to the soul are things like faith, charity, and contentment.  Joy is a benefit to the soul.  Confidence is the foundation of a strong soul.  Security in Christ is perhaps one of the greatest benefits to the soul.  That we are called the sons of God is a blessing to the soul too wonderful for words.  What of the word of God?  We could not walk in faith without it.  What of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?  That God dwells with us and in us is a benefit to the soul.  The list can go on and on.

The thing is, when hardships come, we often continue to look at the temporal as our source of strength.  If the doctor has a cure or an unexpected windfall pays the bills, then we are encouraged.  These things are temporary and eventually, those trials will be replaced by new ones.  What does not change are the benefits to the soul.  These benefits are independent of the temporal world.  God can bestow them no matter our circumstances.  These benefits are not dependent on the temporal.  Therefore, these benefits transcend our situation.  All I can say is if it wasn’t for God’s benefits to my soul, dealing with my wife’s illness would not have gone well.  His grace abounds!  Greater than we could ever imagine!

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