Thursday, December 1, 2022


And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Heb 8:11-12 AV)


WHAT A PROMISE!  The writer of Hebrews quotes from the book of Psalms.  Clearly, this is a millennial passage.  Everyone of the age of accountability and older going into the kingdom of Jesus Christ will have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.  Every one!  All others will be disposed of at the battle of Armageddon.  For the first time since the Garden of Eden, the entire human race will have a relationship with God.  All evil will be put away.  All sin will be forgiven.  For the first time since Adam and Eve ate the fruit, the earth will be in unison with the God who created them.  The cause for this great consummation is the mercy and grace of God.  The Creator will forgive all sins and iniquities.  They will be remembered no more.  Therefore, all who come to trust in Him will be forever in His company.

Gone will be the days of door-to-door evangelizing.  No more street preaching will be needed.  The days of invitations will be over.  From this time forward, the Son of God will teach the world Himself.  No more will we need to send out missionaries.  There will be no more campaigns to reach the lost.  No more tear-filled eyes as we see off our loved ones to a far and distant land.  No more Grace Purpose giving.  No more need for tract campaigns.  There is coming a day when all will be saved and as the human race matures, those born in the kingdom will hear the gospel straight from the mouth of the One who died for them.  There needn’t be seminaries or ordinations.  The LORD Himself will instruct the race.

Most of all, the idea the world will be filled with only those who know Christ is a thought too wonderful to imagine.  With Jesus Christ as our Pastor and administrator, brotherly love will abound more and more.  With the devil incarcerated in his eventual home, the tempter can do no harm among God’s people.  Once the brethren realize how forgiven they are, they will be quick to forgive one another.  Paradise awaits.  It will come.  The saint looks to that moment when all unrighteousness will be forgiven and the people of God live in unity and love one towards another.  We will live in perfect peace because we are at perfect peace with our God.  Hallelujah!  Glory to Our God!!

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