Monday, April 26, 2021

Incomprehensible God

Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” (Job 9:10 AV)


Speaking of God here!  No explanation is needed.  Clearly understood.  God, and what He does, is so far above our ability to understand that we cannot come close to understanding all that He does for the benevolence of mankind.  The phrases ‘…past finding out…’ and ‘…without number…’ are not merely throw-off phrases.  Our speaker rightly declares that in order to find out all that God does, we would have to be just like God.  This should blow the mind.  When we stop and consider what we do know.  We know God has created all things.  We know God sustains all things.  We know God works in the minds and hearts of men.  We know God works all things for His glory.  We can study these things.  We can investigate them insomuch as we are able to comprehend them.  But the fact of the matter is, even if we were to catalog all that we know God does, compared to what He does do, that catalog would be infinitesimally small.

Part of the wonder of God is that we can never truly know Him.  I like detail.  Seeing God in the details is what fascinates me.  To see His design to the minutia is a wonder fast finding out.  Watching nature shows, to me, is astounding.  How anyone can believe in macro-evolution is beyond me.  When one considers how well balances nature is and how each species behaves in its best interest, but yet still benefits the overall objective of life is something a natural process could not develop.  If nature truly is about the survival of the fittest, the fittest would have been the last to survive.  Yet the fittest would then become extinct themselves.  Watching how one species, like the little fish that are stuck to whales and sharks, are never eaten by these great predators because they consume harmful bacteria that grow on these beasts.  Even when these small foragers are clinging to the teeth of these monsters, they are safe.  How does that happen?  Not by chance!  Impossible.  Or, as was recently discovered by secular scientists: if life were possible on other planets, it would be impossible on Earth.  The entire existence of the universe is so well balanced, that if another planet was made habitable, it would necessitate changes to Earth that would make it uninhabitable.

The truth stated above must be accepted.  It cannot be dwelled upon to the point of trying to test that truth.  To test it would be a fool's errand.  Our God is far and above our think or ability to understand even the smallest of matters.  He is so far above His creation as to be completely and wholly incomprehensible.  And that is the glory of our God.  Personally, I am glad.  I am so thrilled that there will never be a day, even in eternity, when I can understand even the smallest of His being.  To lack faith in a God like this is beyond reason.  Why we lack faith doesn’t compute.  If there existed a God as we have, and He does, then faith stands to reason that faith is reasonable.  If He is what He says He is, then faith should be automatic and without hesitation.  Oh, to have faith in our incomprehensible God as His nature dictates is the pursuit of every genuine born-again believer!

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