Sunday, April 25, 2021

Divinely Sent Laughter Is The Best Medicine

20 ¶  Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: 21  Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.” (Job 8:20-21 AV)


I love the book of Job.  One of the fascinating things about this book is the nuggets of truth uttered by Job’s friends as they totally misread the entire situation.  The above words were spoken by Bildad.  The truth stated above should be a source of hope for Job.  But it was not.  The context of Bildad’s comment was he blamed Job’s parenting for the death of his children and the consequent trials on Job that followed.  The verses above are a source of encouragement.  Bad things happen.  For no reason of our own actions.  Job’s issues were caused because he did something right.  He feared God and eschewed evil.  God asked Satan a question that started this whole thing.  It was not Job’s fault these things came upon him.  So, the application of Bildad’s words is wrong-headed here.  They were meant to motivate Job to confess and forsake sin of which he was not guilty, for the sake of laughing and rejoicing.  Kind of sad.  What we can take away from this verse is the simple truth of it.  That is, God does not forsake those whom He considers perfect.  And we are in Christ.  In the end, He is faithful that laughter and joy might be the outcome.

Have you ever stubbed your toe?  How did you react?  Did you hop around infuriated at the sudden misfortune?  Did you find yourself thinking of words you would like to blurt out but knew saints don’t do that sort of thing?  Did you immediately try to discern whose fault it could possibly be because it could not possibly be yours?  Or, did you laugh that laugh which said, “man, did that hurt!”  What struck me about the verse above was the little word ‘till’.  That would suggest once God fills our mouth with laughing and heart with rejoicing, then He would forsake us.  But that is not what Bildad is saying.  I did a bit of research.  The Scientific American wrote a study on laughter and pain.  They wrote, “So it appears that laughter elevates pain thresholds. The authors hypothesize that laughter triggers release of endorphins like beta-endorphin, and elevates pain thresholds through this mechanism, though of course without measures of beta-endorphin you can’t REALLY be sure. These painkilling effects may also be pro-social, helping us to bond socially. But it occurs to me that these effects might be useful in the clinic, that comedy videos and things that make us laugh could be used to help people tolerate pain a little better (if it does indeed work this way).”  In reading the entire article, one is left with the understanding laughing reduces our perceived tolerance to pain.  Laughter does a body good; especially in times of deep loss or pain.

Bildad was right!  God will not forsake the perfect man while he is suffering his deepest loss or pain.  He will minister to the heart and soul to restore joy and laughter.  We all go through very difficult times in life.  Times when the sun seems to never rise or the clouds always seem the darkest.  This misery is not what God intends for the His children.  He intends a life of joy.  This does not mean the absence of trouble.  What this does mean is if we walk in righteousness with God and confess and forsake when we don’t, God promises to remain faithfully by our side and provide the laughter and joy to endure the hardest of times.  My mother was this way.  She could find something to laugh at no matter the circumstances in life.  What a true angle!  If only we all had the spirit of my mother.  Life would be far easier to navigate if we simply allow ourselves to see the funny side of trouble.  If we could only see the joy.  Instead of musing over what we have lost, maybe we should muse over God’s benevolence from what we’ve had.  Like Jonah and the gourd, we weep over the loss of grace rather than rejoice over the fact we had it in the first place.  So, laugh!  Rejoice!  This is what God promises!

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