Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What Makes Jesus So Special?

What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? what is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?” (So 5:9 AV)

 As any cursory student of the Bible knows, the Song of Solomon is a picture of the wooing and marriage of Christ to His church.  The song of Solomon is a canticle.  What that means is some singers sing parts back and forth.  It is a play written in song.  A musical, so to speak.  To get the full impact of the book, one should find a resource that can break down the verses and instruct the reader who is speaking and to whom.  It really makes the book come alive.  In our passage above, it is the daughters of Jerusalem who are responding to the Shulamite’s request to find her new husband.  Her new husband comes to her in the evening for a night of marital bliss, but she rebuffs him.  He leaves at her spurning and now she is trying to find him.  In her desperation, she asks the help of the daughters of Jerusalem.  Their question sheds light on what changes their attitude from curiosity to commitment.  What makes Him so different that we will want to find Him?  She responds in verse of that which she loves most of her new husband and what separates Him from all the rest.  Her response to their question makes seekers out of them.  But that is another devotion.  This morning, let us ask the question, “What makes our LORD so different from all others that we desire all to seek Him?”

My wife embarrasses me sometimes.  But I’ll take the embarrassment!  She never, ever, ever criticizes me in public or when I’m not around.  That is great.  My heart doth safely trust in her.  But she takes her devotion to a level that can be embarrassing.  She praises me in front of others.  If she only knew the real me.  She supports me with all my faults fully exposed to her eyes and ears.  She knows me in ways no one else ever would.  Yet, when it comes to people who ask of me, she does nothing but represents me as the cream of the crop.  The best of the best.  Serving as a pastor to the LORD’s sheep, this is very important.  Her devotion, as embarrassing as it may be, is paramount to the effectiveness of the ministry.  If she readily shared my faults with others, those whom I am supposed to be leading would magnify them beyond their true level.  If she complained about me to others, it would make the sheep uncomfortable and they would probably scatter.  At the very least, they would join the chorus of complaints.  If she mocked my mistakes, others would look for mistakes that they may make light of as well.  My wife’s character, devotion, and passion for her husband is what makes it possible for me to have the liberty to minister to those who would come to church.  In a sense, they see what she sees and this attracts others to a beneficial leadership and ministry in their lives.

When it comes to Jesus Christ, how much do those without Him know of Him?  They are only going to find out at the mouth of the bride.  So, what makes your Savior different from all other relationships, interests, or pursuits?  Is it enough to hold your undying love and attention?  If you were separated from your Savior, how desperate would you be to find Him?  What makes Jesus so different that you would turn the world upside down just to have a passionate moment with Him?  The world is looking for such a passion.  They want to know what you say you love Him more than all others.  What makes God different from all others?  What benefit is there in turning your life over to Him?  What sweet times do you have with the LORD that would draw the interest of others to seek the same?  Why is going to church better than any other place you could be?  Why is reading your Bible better than any other input one might choose?  What makes these things so special?  If we cannot answer these questions, we will not make seekers out of wanderers.

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