Monday, June 8, 2020

I Found a Great Thing

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” (Pr 18:22 AV)

 I can testify to the absolute truth of this proverb!  The older I get the more I appreciate the wife God has graciously given me.  Not just the person of Lisa, but what her function as my wife is.  I could not live if I did not have her at my side.  I probably do not tell her enough, but the most important of all her blessings to me is simply to be by my side as my companion and best friend.  To say that I have found a good thing is to tremendously understate what she means to me.  The LORD gave me a great thing in the person of my wife.  Now that we have been married for 33 years this October, I can look over those three decades and see just what the LORD was thinking of providing her to me.  There are so many memories that flood the mind and heart.  There are so many trials that I endured because she was there.  And there would have been no one else who would do.  My wife and best friend is an amazing person.  And I am blessed to have her.

What is equally blessed is the favor of the LORD.  The word here means delight or pleasure.  Solomon is instructing his son the procuring of a spouse brings pleasure and delight to the LORD.  Such a thought brings me back to the weddings of my three sons.  The LORD has blessed my sons with very godly young ladies for their lifetime of blessed service to Him.  I remember the feeling of officiating all three of those weddings.  The pleasure which was bestowed upon me as I united these three men with their wives in holy matrimony is a feeling few are able to experience.  Knowing they had found the perfect match for them as they go off into a life of service to the LORD was a feeling that matched no others.  To say that finding a wife is to gain the favour of the LORD is the icing on the cake!

Let me finish as I have started.  As we age and we enjoy our empty nest years, it dawns on me more each day how blessed I am.  Outside of her part-time job, we spend every waking moment together.  That might drive some couples to an early grave.  But not us.  We truly enjoy one another’s company.  We go everywhere together.  Except when I have to make a visit or she sees one of her girlfriends for an hour or so, all the remaining time is spent in the company of one another.  We do our errands together.  We shop together.  We recreate together.  The LORD has given us something which some do not have.  For this, we are immensely blessed.  I will say it again.  To say I have found a good thing is to understate it.  I have found the best thing ever.  And her name is Lisa!

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