Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What Goes Around, Comes Around.

The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.” (Pr 11:8 AV)

As our beloved ancients have well observed, as Haman hanged in the stead of Mordecai, or Daniel’s enemies were devoured in his stead, those who seek to do harm to God’s people will eventually fall to the devices of their own making.  This does not promise we will avoid all persecution.  As a rule, the proverbs are a general truth.  We cannot claim a proverb as an absolute promise in every specific instance.  What we can do is see the overall truth and know that it generally applies.  To wit, the church will not always be the target of Satan’s envy and hatred.  As much as the world hates Christ right now, and because they do, lie in wait to set traps that may hinder us, eventually the tables will be turned and the world itself will become the hated congregation of the evil one.

This very thing has happened to me several times.  I was the one who was being ill-treated and the one causing the problem was taken in their own devices.  In fact, it has happened so often that it is hard to pick out one specific instance.   However, I will share one event from my childhood.  I was in the fourth grade and sat between two twin boys.  Their names were Matt and Pat.  Matt was a terror to me.  He would constantly harass me.  He would use my last name in ways no human being should ever speak.  He threatened to physically assault me.  At first, Pat joined in a bit.  However, after a few weeks of it, he noticed I wasn’t doing well.  One mid-day, on the playground, up comes Matt wanting to beat me to a pulp.  Pat noticed what was about to transpire and intervened.  Pat tried to remain neutral, but over time, began to back off his brother.  One such instance happened in class.  The teacher noticed that I was out of sorts and inquired, in front of the class, of the nature of the issue.  I, of course, knew what it meant to rat on my nemesis.  It only meant more torment.  Low and behold, Pat spoke up.  He threw his own twin brother under the bus!  The torture I received at the hands of Matt turned on him by way of the teacher and Principal.  I heard it was quite significant.  Since this school was a parochial school and the student body was not guaranteed a spot, the next year there was no more Matt.  It is interesting how this proverb works out.

The greatest comfort we can take is the truth that this principle will carry out to the Rapture of the church.  Right now, the world is seeking to make times more and more miserable for God’s people.  From those who wish to honor their conscience as they earn a living, to suits leveled against religious organizations from those who do not share their doctrine, the world is seeking to demolish the church.  Regulations, inspections, etc. are all designed to undermine the calling of the church.  I remember my home church abandoning their bus ministry because the cost became too great.  My home state regulated churches right out of the bus ministry business.  It got so ridiculous that only a brand-new bus would pass inspection.  Now, churches cannot go into the inner-city of meet the needs of children from difficult homes.  What is the result?  The state now has a greater problem with troubled youth.  They intended to cause a problem for churches and only succeeded in causing a problem for themselves.  This is how God’s economy works.  The lesson for the saint is patience and hope.  The game has already been won.  There is no doubt of the outcome.  The devil, the world, and the flesh are headed for destruction.  No matter how many problems they cause, they will one day stand in our stead.  What they determined for us they will have to endure themselves.  Checkmate!

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