Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Heart Rejoices

My son, if thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine.” (Pr 23:15 AV)

This morning, I want to give praise to the LORD for the best sons God could ever give to a man.  To say my heart is rejoicing is an understatement.  In many ways, they are my rock and strength.  More than they will ever know.  Our journey started thirty-one years ago.  After a few months of marriage, we found out the LORD was about to bless us with our firstborn.  Nathan was born in December and life has never been the same.  Then came Zackary about a year and a half later.  Joshua brought of the rear about a year and a half after Zack.  Watching them grow up together was a delight.  Sibling rivalries, being as they are, strained their brotherly love from time to time.  But not unnaturally so.  They were actually closer than they realized.  Often going on adventures together, whether into the woods at their grandparent’s house, or exploring their own backyard at home, the three amigos have a lot of experiences from which tales are told.  Some their mother and I are recently discovering.  Some of these tales bring the hairs of the neck to attention!  If I had to rejoice about a single thing is that these three men have succeeded in life far beyond what their father has attained.  What a joy that brings to my heart.

When I observe their lives, I see three men who are far more disciplined at their age than I ever was.  I see the LORD moving in their hearts to mature and focus them as they seek more and important ways in which to serve their Savior.  I see them conducting the practical things of the home in ways I wished I had done for them.  The disciplines of mature men that will take them far and beyond what their old man has accomplished.  The LORD has shown me how serious they are to be Biblically correct.  We may not always agree on every little nuance of scriptures, but to have a debate over Whatsapp is a joy they will not realize until their sons to the same.  To see them struggle as they try to figure out God’s will for their lives and trudge through the hard times, a bit more mature because of it, is a joy that is deeper than all the gold or silver in the world.  Knowing they will face all the trials which the LORD has destined for them without faltering or folding is a testimony which spurs their own father on.  If you’d indulge me, I would like to share one ‘for instance’ that will show you the kind of character these three have.

When we moved from New York to Illinois, it was a severe and dramatic change.  We moved from wide open spaces to inner city culture with no adjustment period in between.  They went from a home with a yard and a safe neighborhood with friends to a small three-bedroom apartment and a fences in and gated yard.  They went from a school with country friends to a city school where threats were assessed.  Yet, they never complained.  Not once.  In fact, they made an adventure out of it.  It was one of the hardest ministry experiences my wife and I would have to endure.  God provided three young men who were the brightest lights of hope which got us through the hardest of times.  The three men are miracles.  They are astounding.  They have more rewards in heaven then they will ever realize.  For one simple trait which they share, the LORD has used them, and will use them, beyond their own imaginations.  That one trait is total surrender.  They have given in and given up to the LORD who gave them life and salvation.  It hasn’t always been easy.  Each has their own deep trials which they must endure.  Health issues, mission field fires, and trials of ministry; each must navigate their pilgrim path.  But they will never quit.  They will never surrender to the difficulties which come their way.  Above that, they will flourish.  Watch these three.  God’s hand is one them and they will do more than merely endure.  They will prevail by the power of the Holy Spirit and I don’t deserve one bit of the joy which will come of it.  This writer is truly humbled by the grace of God which came by the way of three amazing servants of God.  My only hope is that other parents can have the same joy which the LORD felt gracious enough to bestow upon me!

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