Thursday, February 6, 2020

Stay on the Mount

And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.” (Ex 24:14 AV)

Aaron, Hur, and two others accompanied Moses and Joshua to the foot of Mount Sinai.  It was there they saw the glory of God in a way the nation could not.  When Moses and Joshua ascended the mountain for the tables of stone, Aaron and Hur were to remain at the foot of the mount, judging the people as they came to have their cases heard.  Aaron and Hur were not given relief to be among the people in the camp on a regular basis.  I am sure they were allowed to go back home at night.  But their only responsibility was to hear the cases brought before them at the foot of the mount as Moses was receiving the written law of God from the very finger of God.  What happened?  Aaron decided to descend to the people and be among them.  The result?  A golden calf.  There is a danger when the leadership of God’s people try to be among the people on their terms and with their lifestyle.  The leader is to live above the people and set the example.  He is not to see how much like the people he can be so as to win their approval.

The custom today is for the leadership to be cool and accepted among God’s people. When did we decide this?  The Old Testament prophet and the New Testament Apostle was not out for a popularity contest.  They didn’t condescend to men of low estate by being like them.  When Paul says he was all things to all men, he didn’t mean he would conform to the values of all men so as to gain the emotional loyalty.  Paul tells Timothy to be an ensample.  He was to model true Christian behavior.  Not be being like those whom he led.  Rather, by living in Christlikeness so as to be an example for others to attain.  What is fascinating about the discourse between Moses and Aaron is how much a weak leader will pass the buck to the people whom he is supposed to lead.  Adam did this with Eve.  Aaron did this with the people he led.  When the leadership condescends to those whom he leads by being as much like them as he can, he is allowing the people to lead him rather than he leading the people.

The skill and art of leadership is being lost.  We have something that is intended to lift mankind up and turned it around so that both mankind and leadership is brought lower.  If a leader needs to be liked or affirmed, then he is no leader.  If he is trying to be popular and lead for compliments, then he is no leader.  If a leader cannot stand in front of the people and lead, rather than be among them and follow, then he is not qualified to lead.  Aaron made a tactical error by not remaining in the calling of which he was called.  It cost the people of God dearly.  It cost them some lives.  It cost them loss of wealth.  It cost them bitter water.  It cost the people of God to demand their leadership be just like them.  Stay on that mountain and judge the people. Love them from the position of leadership.  Love them from the position of being and example.  Love them and lead them at the same time.  Stay on the mountain and don’t apologize for it.  If you are accused of being to proud, ignore it.  You cannot lead if you are following.

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