Friday, February 28, 2020

Fruitful Faith vs Profitless Pride

He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.” (Pr 28:25 AV)

This proverb struck me as odd and worth further investigation.  What puzzled me was the tie between a lack of faith and pride which causes strife.  What is the connection between the two?  Does this mean that everyone who struggles with pride is short of faith in some area of life?  If we are not surrendered by faith, does that mean we will automatically struggle with pride?  If this is the understanding, then we are all in trouble.  We all lack faith is some area or areas of our lives.  If lack of faith translates into pride, then we are all constantly struggling with pride.

The commentators were of great help here.  They reminded the student that the context here is riches versus poverty.  Twice in this chapter Solomon warns about seeking riches by haste.  Several times Solomon extols the virtue of poverty with a pure heart as better than riches with an unclean heart.  In our text, this idea continues.  They that put their trust in the LORD are made fat.  This means they are prosperous both materially and emotionally.  The proud, on the other hand, rely solely on themselves for their needs.  They employ worldly methods of self-gain.  This often causes strife.  Competition, entrepreneurial endeavors, and profit can cause strife.  Not that these things are necessarily wrong.  But as was recently expressed on a well-known sit-com, capitalism works best when coupled with Christian values and compassion.

The general point of this proverb is simple.  If we trust the LORD in all areas of our lives, He will make the soul fat.  We will be content, resting in the provision and strength which only God can bring.  On the other hand, if we do not trust the LORD, relying on our own strength and wisdom, our life will be filled with fighting.  In my pilgrim journey, I have met many businessmen.  Several are millionaires or multimillionaires.  There is a vast difference between the self-made man and the God-made-man.  Both have the same material wealth, but one is clearly more at peace in life than the other.  They view their wealth differently.  They view their purpose in life differently.  One is at peace with the world while the other sees the world as both a source of profit and a threat to that profit.  Better is faith with the little God gives than all the wealth in the world filled with the strife that comes with it.

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