Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Heart of Wisdom

“Whoso [is] simple, let him turn in hither: [as for] him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him, Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine [which] I have mingled. Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.” (Pr 9:4-6 AV)

The first three verses speak of wisdom as a person preparing an inviting meal set in a warm venue.  Wisdom speaks as a virtuous woman who desires to share with all who will engage with her words to help throughout life.  The phrase, “let him turn in hither” really struck me.  These words are sincere words spoken by someone (or shall I say something) who desires nothing but the benefit these words will bring to the hearer.  In these words, we see an emotional commitment.  One of compassion for those who simply do not have the discipline to live under the word of God.  The entire book is a collection of simple quips regarding the way life is and the best way in which to navigate it.  Wisdom, of course, is an attribute of God.  The reason wisdom can speak as being eternally with God is God and wisdom are one.  So, when we see a sincere and warm invitation to come and spend time with wisdom, it is God Himself extending that invitation.

When I was a child, it was not uncommon for friends to eat dinner at another’s house.  There is a commercial depicting this old tradition.  I think it is for a butter product.  A few friends are playing outside and Mom calls her family to dinner.  Mom welcomes the friends to join the meal.  The aroma of fresh baked bread and hot-cobbed-corn is wafting out the front door.  Then the music changes to a horror type as the boys consider the invitation as a trap.  They relay that her cooking is so good that they cannot say no.  They fear the delicious meal will trap them and overeat until they are sick.  It is rather funny.  But it does bring to mind my childhood.  It was an unwritten rule that meals were at the exact same time every day.  Lunch was at noon and dinner was at five.  You invited whatever human beings you had in proximity to your home, whether family or not, to share.  I have spent many afternoons having lunch with my friends and they are with me.  You didn’t worry about your own because you knew wherever they might be; they were getting fed.  We have lost the warm invitation to share something to eat and drink.  I also remember winter days and evening playing with my friends in the snow and if it wasn’t my mom, it was someone else who invited us in for hot chocolate made with real milk on the stove!  What memories!

Wisdom is exactly the same.  The real shame is that most shun wisdom.  Wisdom means discipline.  Wisdom means self-control.  Wisdom means making decisions for the future and not for the present.  Wisdom means learning something that will change the course of life, and most of the time, people will not realize the benefits for a while.  The proverb above takes a different tack than most of the invitations to wisdom.  Most of the time, wisdom cries out with a warning or a blessing.  If you heed her advice, there are blessings.  If you ignore her advice, there are consequences.  Therefore, come in to her and learn.  But the passage above is different.  It is more personal.  The passage above shows the heart of God’s wisdom.  It shows that heeding wisdom is not merely about consequences.  Rather, heeding the wisdom of God is about a relationship.  This relationship is one of deep intimacy as He bestows to us principles of life for our good; and we sit quietly, trusting in His benevolence.  What we see above is like a very kind parent who wants to chat over a warm, home-cooked meal, sharing bits of truth so her child can be a better person.  They lovingly share it in a non-judgmental way.  The parent shares it with such tenderness that the child has no reaction other than to take her words to heart because of the heart that is in them.  That is how much God loves us.  He shares His word with us lovingly.  We treat it far too much like a reference book and not the love letter it truly is.  When He calls us inside to sit and sup at His table, He is opening His heart to us in the hope we will trust Him and believe in His word.  What a warm picture of how God loves His children and only desires the best for them.

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