Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Always Leading, Always Empowering

“Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” (Ps 139:10 AV)

Many read this psalm as if the writer is trying to find a place to hide from God.  But he is not.  He lists all the places he could have, or has, gone.  If he tries to ascend into the heavens, God is there.  If the writer tries to hide himself in the depths of the earth, God is there.  If he sails to the farthest point in the sea, still God is there.  God knows where he is, what he is thinking, how he is feeling, and what he is doing.  Everywhere the writer could be, or what he is doing, or how he is feeling, God is ever-present.  But there are two specific ways in which the presence of God is mentioned here.  First, the writer understands that no matter where he is, the hand of God leads him.  It matters not if we cannot sense the hand of God doing work on our behalf.  It really doesn’t matter if we can see what He is trying to accomplish.  The writer testifies that no matter what circumstances of life may be upon him, the hand of God is active and purposeful.  Second, the hand of God strengthens him.  As low as he thinks he is, if it wasn’t for the hand of God, he would be a lot lower.  The fact that God’s hand is holding him up is the only reason he is still going.  We often get the false idea that it is our own strength that enables us to persevere.  Not true.  The God of life gives us the ability to breathe!  He sustains all things.  By His power, we consist.  This psalm is a song by which the overwhelmed and injured can encourage themselves.

When Lisa was recovering from her cancer surgery, there were times she was aware of people in her room, and times when she was not.  There were times she needed the company, but for the first few days, she wanted to be alone in her misery.  She completely ignored the poking and prodding inflicted by the health care team during those first few days when she was heavily medicated.  There were changing IV drips.  There were vitals checks.  There was freshening the ice cubes in her cup.  A nurse would come by and check her discharge bag.  Then there were the countless doctors and students checking in on her.  It is said the hospital is the worst place to go if you need to rest and recover.  Sometimes the smallest and simplest of touches brings the greatest relief.  Because of her cancer and surgery, for the first eighteen months or so, she was constantly nauseous.  In the hospital, the nurses pinned a small patch on her gown and kept it saturated with peppermint oil.  They usually placed a few drops on this patch while Lisa slept.  She never noticed.  TO her, the odor was ever present.  I think she may not have even noticed the aroma or where it was coming from.  All she noticed for those first few days is her stomach was doing better.  Since then, we have gotten her an oil disperser, she can run at home.  It is amazing that after just a few moments in the environment of the scent; you do not notice.  That is how God is.  He is so ever-present, we often forget He is there.

I can certainly understand this.  There are times when life is so overwhelming that we cannot notice what is right around us.  The psalmist is speaking of the enemies of God that surround him.  Attacks from every side overwhelmed him.  Yet, he knows God is there.  If he tries to run away, God is still there.  If he tries to hide, God is still there.  If he tries to choose another path from himself, God is there.  God is there no matter what.  This verse is so simple, yet so profound.  This verse is not hard to understand, but it is truly deeper than most.  This verse has a well of treasures.  It is filled with application that will guide us through and enable us to endure.  The psalmist is not running from God.  What he is doing is concluding that no matter the circumstances or how alone we might feel, God is there.  He always had been.  He always will be.

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