Thursday, May 2, 2024

All Must Determine

“And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.” (2Ch 2:1 AV)

The house to which our writer refers is the temple.  This dream started with David.  God had done so much for him and he wanted to honor the LORD in return.  The best way he knew how to do that was to erect a temple that would rival all the temples of the pagans.  He drew up plans given to him by the LORD.  He assembled all the pieces necessary.  He hired metal workers to fabricate the instruments of worship.  Almost everything was ready to go.  Then the LORD told David even though the desire to build the temple was in his heart, he was to be used for warfare and not for industry.  The LORD desired to use David in a different capacity.  So, David passed onto Solomon the vision and provision for the temple.  He charged his son to erect this magnificent building to God’s glory.  God Himself told Solomon he was the one determined in His perfect will to build the temple.  One would think Solomon did not have a choice in the matter.  God told him he was to do so and his father did most of the work for him.  But note the three first words of our passage.  Just because God says to do so and your father confirms the call of God, you still have to make that calling your own.

There comes a time when we have to make obedience and purpose of life our own.  We can learn from our teachers.  We can hear from our parents.  We can read and study.  But there comes a time when we must determine within our own hearts that the will of God is to be followed.  This doesn’t mean we are unthinking creatures who have no rationale for what we do.  Rather, when we get over ourselves and surrender self-determination, we realize all must do the same.  It is not just us.  It is everyone.  Many people wrongly assume that surrendering to what we have been taught or led to believe suggests a mind without reason.  We get our backs up and strike out on our own path.  We don’t want to follow in the footsteps of others because we can go our own way.  This only ends in ruin.  But there is another application here.  Similar to what was just mentioned, but from the perspective of David and God.

We cannot expect others to follow without questioning what they are doing.  Nor can we expect them to simply do as they are told without reasoning it all out in their own minds.  Just because we have outward compliance does not mean we have inward surrender.  This they must do of their own free will.  David and the LORD gave every opportunity for Solomon to build the temple.  They gave the call, the reasoning behind it, and as much provision as they could to see the project completed.  But in the end, Solomon had to determine to build it.  What a statement of wisdom for those who lead.  A pastor cannot expect or force a church to take up their lamp and carry the church forward.  They must determine to do it.  A parent cannot force a child to be what God wants them to be.  That child must determine to be what God wants them to be.  Leaders who mentor must be willing to let the LORD work and the student to determine.  One cannot force or coerce it.  The choice to determine to obey and follow must come from within that person.  Often, this waiting is hard and gut wrenching.  It may not end the way one would have hoped.  But there is no other way around it.  Solomon has to determine in his own heart.  Until then, all David and the LORD can do is to encourage him.  In the end, each of us has to make their walk with God their own.  Until then, pray!  Pray that Solomon sees the lamp and takes it.  Pray for Solomon that your passion not only becomes his, but that it grows.  Pray that future generation will grow up beyond themselves and make Christianity their own!

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