Saturday, April 13, 2024

Take it Like a Man

“And the king of Israel went to his house heavy and displeased, and came to Samaria.” (1Ki 20:43 AV)

The reference is to Ahab, king of the northern ten tribes, who was soundly rebuked for disobedience toward the LORD.  Five kings went up against twice.  Once in the hills and the second time, in the valley.  When the LORD defeated the Syrians the second time, it was with the understanding Ahab was to destroy all five kings including Benhadad, king of Syria.  Because Syria and Israel shared a very distant past, and because his wife, Jezebel was closely related to the Syrians, Ahab spared his life.  This is when the prophet of the LORD arrived and informed Ahab because of his disobedience, his life would be forfeited in the stead of Benhadad.  Not only that, but his wife would die a violent death and the dogs of the wilderness would consume her remains.  His children would also be slaughtered.  The house of Ahab would no longer exist.  Then we read the verse above.  Don’t you hate when that happens?  Don’t you hate it when the LORD calls you out for knowingly disobeying Him?  But praise the LORD we do feel that way.  Feeling that way is an indication the LORD is still working on us and the Holy Spirit still has ministry.  As much as we might hate the feeling, it is a good one.  The key is what we choose to do afterward.  Ahab doubled down on his rebellion.  Following this, he murders a near relative over a vineyard.  Instead of repenting, he fell further.

The difference between a child that always disappoints their parents and one that works at pleasing them is his or her reaction to the correction they receive.  The rebel will use the correction as motive to do worse while the wise and humble child will learn and improve.  It matters not whether anger, shame, or envy are the motivating emotions that cause an erring child to err even more.  Deep down, it is still rebellion.  We may feel horrible about ourselves, but that is no reason to continue and get worse.  I have seen this many times over the years.  Families with multiple children may have one who seems not to care of the things of the LORD.  Worse, it seems as though they deliberately do what they know his or her parents would be ashamed of.  Yes, there is a generation or age group whose character tends to do this.  But at some point, the child grows out of it and he or she gets back on the right path.  But not all.  After the hard lessons of life are learned, and adulthood arrives, the child has learned there are consequences for choices.  He or she will turn around and start the down the path of right living.  It may take a bit, but it happens.

Not Ahab!  Nope.  Ahab reacted by throwing a temper tantrum regarding a vineyard.  He was so taken by what he could not have that it made him physically ill.  His wife, seeing her husband the king, acting like a child decided to solve his issue for him.  She drew up false charges, had the relative charged and executed, and then handed the deed to her husband.  How pitiful!  Rather than repent of his cowardice in releasing Benhadad, he allowed his child-like emotional being dictate more sin.  We may not enjoy the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  But it is necessary and it is good.  When He calls us out for our actions, let us not whimper.  As my dad used to say when he gave us a spanking, “take it like a man”.  How true!  If we messed up, we deserve what the LORD dishes out.  If we have disobeyed, we deserve correction.  If we have rebelled, we deserve a spanking.  Rather than feel sorry for ourselves, we should accept it, repent, and move on; promising never to do it again, and meaning it!  Ahab is a great example of a person we should never become.  He is an adult who never grew up.  He is a spoiled little brat whose wife did all the rebellion for him.  What a sorry excuse for a man.  So, let us man up.  Let us take our lumps.  Let us acknowledge we deserve it.  Then, let us repent and move on!  There are more battles to fight.  More Benhadads to conquer.  More service to a God who loves us more than we will ever know!

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