Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Obedience Regardless of Circumstances

Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.” (1Ki 8:61 AV)

These words are the words of Solomon at the dedication of the temple.  The nation was on a spiritual high.  They had just completed the building of the most expensive and elaborate house of worship the world had ever known.  There was none greater.  Nor should there be.  The temple was the House of God.  This building was a house erected in honor of the one true God, the Creator of all, Jehovah God!  If anyone deserved the greatest building ever, it would be our God.  So, to say Israel was on a high was an understatement.  Obedience would come easy at such a time as this.  With their minds and hearts focused on pleasing God, temptation would have been kept at a minimum.  Regardless of the atmosphere at the time, the instruction of Solomon is a good one.  Regardless of spiritual highs or lows, being perfect with God is always a good idea.

As I sit here and type, I cannot but be thankful for the God whom we love and serve.  It astounds me just how much He puts up with.  He puts up with a lot.  We disappoint Him more than we care to dwell on.  Our prayers are not nearly as reverent as He is entitled to.  We do not retain Him in our thoughts every moment of every day.  Yet, in His grace, He loves us, forgives us, and deeply desires to walk with us.  What a loving God we serve.  All He asks is that we trust Him enough to obey Him.  All He asks is that because He is the Creator and has designed the world in which we live, we should trust His design and plan for the best possible life we can have.  It really is that simple.  Not much.  Mere faith.  In that faith, we acknowledge His ways are the best ways and it would serve us well if we would live by them.  What parent doesn’t design his or her home and the rules by which children must comply to provide the best that can be provided?  Rules and commandments do not exist just because they can.  They exist because children must be kept safe, happy, and growing.  The same is true with God.  His law is not designed to be a terror unto us simply because He has the ability to do so.  No.  His laws are laws of goodwill, benevolence, safety, and prosperity.

Solomon is charging his nation with obeying the LORD when it is easy and when it is hard.  There are consequences for disobedience.  But that should not be our highest motive.  Solomon is trying to make that point.  As spiritually encouraged as they were that day, their obedience needs to continue even when they are discouraged.  When the emotion abates, obedience needs to continue.  When the party is over, faith cannot fail.  Walking with God cannot be circumstantially driven.  Obedience and faith must be constant no matter the circumstances.  This is Solomon’s instruction.

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