Thursday, April 4, 2024

Delight of Soul

“In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.” (Ps 94:19 AV)

There is a lot to unpack here from such a small verse.  The writer has a multitude of thoughts.  These thoughts are within him.  One could say our writer cannot help but muse.  He thinks of all things possible.  He thinks of all things probable.  There is also a comparison between the multitude of thoughts and the comfort provided by God.  There are two possibilities here which really don’t matter a whole lot in light of the outcome.  Either the psalmist is troubled by the multitude of his thoughts and it is the comfort God brings in spite of it that delights his soul.  Or, the multitude of his thoughts are occupied only by that which brings comfort and delight to his soul.  I think they are the same thing but of differing degrees.  Whether we are troubled of mind and soul or we are at peace with God and circumstances, it is the comforts of God’s word that overcomes our troubled mind and soul or it keeps our soul in a state of delight.  Either way, the word of God and His presence are the source of the comforts that delight the soul.

Second, there arises the truth that regardless of life’s circumstances, the delight of the soul can be a reality.  The context of the psalm is one of trouble inflicted upon God’s people in general and the writer in particular.  There is persecution and abuse leveled against the nation and the writer is praying to the LORD for intervention.  Then this verse pops up.  Regardless of our circumstances, the delight of the soul is possible.  Comfort is sometimes hard to accept.  Some of us are happier in a state of misery than we are in complete comfort.  We would rather be constantly coddled as we complain of one thing or another.  Sort of like Israel as they passed through the wilderness.  They refused to be comforted.  It sounds odd, but we are like that sometimes.  There is that person who is constantly adjusting the heat or air conditioning.  They are in a constant state of agitation over one thing or another.  Life is not perfect.  It never will be.  However, despite an imperfect world, comfort is possible.  We have to be willing to accept the comfort offered.

Note also the direction of the comfort offered.  It goes from the mind to the soul.  The writer has a multitude of thoughts.  Yet that is not where comfort is kept or where it stops.  Comfort, if from God, goes beyond the mind.  The multitude of thoughts may be helping or hindering according to their nature.  If they are contrary to comfort, they are disciplined.  If they produce comfort, they are enhanced.  But the direction of comfort goes from the head to the soul.  Comfort is not merely convincing the mind of the benevolent nature of God.  Comfort goes far beyond musing to one’s mental satisfaction.  At some point, the source of comfort must travel from the mind, through the heart, and rest in the soul.  In short, to be comforted requires we accept the comfort offered to the degree it can be applied.  To be comforted means to quiet the soul so the presence and truth of God can permeate.  To be comforted requires all other influences on the soul to become secondary to the comfort of God’s presence and truth.  If we do that, the psalmist testifies our souls can be had in delight.

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