Sunday, February 11, 2024

The God of Today

“On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan, offered:” (Nu 7:66 AV)

This verse just goes to show you there are deep truths in every single verse of the Bible.  Chapter seven of the Book of Numbers records the first-time offerings of the tribes of Israel for the construction and dedication of the Tabernacle.  Each tribe gives exactly the same thing in the same manner.  The chapter is over eighty verses long.  One would think it would take up much less space to simply list all the tribes and their representatives, and then list what they gave.  But the LORD felt we needed a list of all twelve tribes, their representatives, and what they gave individually; even though it was the exact same thing.  I am so glad He did because in doing so, we learn a great truth here.  We learn that God does not hold our future against us.  In His foreknowledge, the LORD knows how much we will or will not succeed in walking with Him in faith and obedience.  Whether we succeed or fail in the future, God relates to us as we are in the present!  Let me explain.

There is a controversy over the absence of Dan in the list of the twelve tribes of Israel found in the Book of Revelation.  There are several explanations for this.  However, there is one that persists.  It is assumed since Dan was the Trible that introduced Idol worship to the nation, God judged them by eliminating the tribe from the covenants given to Israel.  If that is true, it gives us a basis for the point made above.  We find Dan in the throws of idol worship in the Book of Judges.  Although Rachel brought the idols of her father with her, Jacob found them and buried them in Shechem.  Even though Israel entertained the idea of idol worship in the wilderness while Moses was atop the mount, Moses quickly judged this idol worship.  He ground the golden calf into powder and made the people drink it.  That had to be unpleasant.  In judges, we see idol worship become a point of contention.  Not to eliminate it, but rather, to incorporate it.  Idol worship almost brought war.  It is the first time Israel welcomed idol worship as a planned thing.  Prior, it was impulsive.  Now, it was deliberate.  Dan was the tribe to push this.

Which brings me to my point.  God knows what we will do or fail to do with the years we have remaining.  He knows if we will go out with a flame or a flicker.  He knows all things, good or bad.  Yet, the LORD chooses to see us as we are today and not what we will be tomorrow.  That gate swings both ways.  Future obedience does not excuse present failures.  God deals with us as we are at this moment.  This is an encouragement.  In fact, it gives great hope.  If the LORD knows I will fail Him tomorrow, yet sees me as obedient and trusting today, then He blesses me today.  This gives me hope that God may know what tomorrow holds, but I do not.  Therefore, from my perspective, I can do the right thing tomorrow.  I am not destined to fail.  If the LORD held me accountable for tomorrow’s failures today, what incentive would I have to obey and trust tomorrow? None!  If the LORD were to bless me today for the good things I might do tomorrow, why do them?  I have already received the blessings.  What a great God we serve.  What a just and fair God we love and obey!  I am so grateful the LORD shows mercy today for what He knows is coming tomorrow.  The more I meditate on this, the more I am so thankful Jesus saved me and the LORD is my heavenly Father!  Praise be to His name.

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