Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Stay In The City

“Because he should have remained in the city of his refuge until the death of the high priest: but after the death of the high priest the slayer shall return into the land of his possession.” (Nu 35:28 AV)

If you are not a fan of allegory, this entry is not for you.  The cities of refuge were six cities scattered throughout the nation of Israel where someone who committed negligent homicide could flee.  The penalty for killing another was death.  But there were times when causing the death of another was purely accidental.  The example of an errant swing of a sharp implement or a falling rock is given.  There was no hatred, premeditation, or motive for self-gain.  This event happened purely by chance.  The guilty party could not have predicted the outcome in any way.  So, his or her life was protected by fleeing to a city of refuge and remaining within its borders until the death of the high priest.  Once the high priest passed away, then the offender was free to return to his home.  The revenger had no recourse.  The High priest was the protection granted to the erring one.  The only stipulation was that he had to remain under the protection of the High Priest.  If, for any reason, he left the city of refuge, he was fair game.  The revenger of blood, when coming upon the offender outside of the city, had the legal right to take the life of the offender.  The key was staying in the city of refuge.

Jesus Christ is our High Priest.  Our city of refuge is the presence of God.  As long as we remain in the presence of God, the accuser of the brethren and our Adversary cannot inflict a fatal blow.  He may harass.  Like the example above, the avenger of blood could enter the city of refuge as he pleased.  He could harass the offender.  He could make the offender’s life miserable.  But he could not inflict a fatal blow.  So, too, is it with the believer.  As long as we are in the presence of God’s grace, we are protected from the fatal blows of the adversary.  We are free to live for the glory of God while suffering persecution here and there.  But the old Devil cannot ruin what God loves.  God will protect us.  Yes, He may allow a bit of discomfort.  But only so to make us stronger.  The LORD may allow the avenger of blood to be seen and heard, but he has no power over us while we wait in the city of our refuge.  Staying in that city is the key!

This example is also a great picture of the Old Testament saint who had to wait until the death of the high priest.  Our High Priest.  The Old Testament saint was protected as long as he put his faith in the future death of the High Priest.  Just like the Old Testament saint who looked forward to the death of humanity’s High Priest, they looked forward to the death of Christ.  When the High Priest died, they were free.  GLORY!  The cities of refuge remained.  When the current high priest died, he was replaced and the cities continued.  Our High Priest rose on high.  He sits at the right hand of the Father.  He ever liveth to make intercession for us.  In doing so, He is the High Priest who died for us once yet still lives.  He is our everlasting High Priest.  He can never die again.  So, when the devil makes our life miserable by accusing us of things we have done, then remind him that we live in the city of refuge.  We are as guilty as they come.  We are wicked and evil.  We deserve none of God’s grace.  Yet, we abide in the presence of our High Priest who has died for us and is risen again.  His death covers all our sin.  So, saint, stay in the city of refuge.  Stay in the presence of God’s grace.  Learn to live in the reality of His mercy and grace.  Confess and forsake!  Yes!  But don’t let the adversary have one inch of ground that is not his to take.  Stand firm in the city of refuge.  He is our Rock and High Tower.  He is our eternal High Priest.  Nothing the adversary says or does can change that!

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