Monday, February 5, 2024

Different At All Costs

“And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God. After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God.” (Le 18:1-4 AV)

This is going to become more important to remember the closer we get to the LORD’s return.  It is already difficult enough to live holy and separated from the unbiblical laws and warped values of our lost world.  Israel had come out of bondage to a sin-sick and pagan nation.  Egypt was known for utter wickedness and godlessness.  From there, Israel went to a land infested with all sorts of twisted morality and horrendous sin.  They went from the frying pan to the fire so to speak.  God commands His people to follow His holy law and not to take the example of those with whom they would dwell.  They were to separate themselves from the customs and practices of the godless and walk in obedience to the law God would give.  How similar to today, huh?  We live in an ever-increasingly wicked world.  There is simply nowhere to go once you step out of your home or church where the filth of the world isn’t thrown in your face.  It is all around us.  This doesn’t excuse our capitulation to it.  We are to stand strong in the perfect law of liberty.  We are to live in the holiness of Christ.  Regardless of what surrounds us, we are to be different.

It is interesting what follows in Leviticus chapter 18 are the laws of marriage and intimacy.  Forbidden is the taking of near kin as a spouse.  Forbidden is homosexual relationships.  Forbidden is interspecies immorality.  Forbidden is immorality with a corpse.  What follows in chapter 18 is morality is intimacy.  And this is exactly where our world is headed.  Not towards godliness, but as far away from it as they can get.  On the one hand, it should not surprise us.  What the world is capable of should not come as a shock.  When a senatorial aide filmed himself and another male aide in the practice of a same-gender immoral act, the world was not shocked at the actual act, but where it took place.  How sad.  The day we are no longer shocked and appalled at the behavior of mankind is the day we have lost our spiritual separation unto what God calls holy.  Sin is so pervasive, we are simply calloused to its presence.  It is not that we approve of it.  We don’t because God does not.  The question is, where are the voices that speak against it?  The fact our children are being groomed to accept what God calls twisted and sick and we do little or say little against it, is an indication the body of Christ is sick as well.

Israel fell because it tolerated and then accepted the customs and wickedness of its God-hating neighbors.  We know there is little we can do about it.  The law is what the people say it is and what they are willing to tolerate.  Without revival, I fear our world is only going to get worse.  A conservative revival is fruitless without a spiritual one.  Good people may reject the insanity, but if they do not turn to Christ and accept Him as both LORD and Savior, what little revival comes will flame out as fast as it came.  Our world needs Jesus Christ very badly!  He is the only answer to what ails us.  He is the only one who can clean up this world and make it livable again.  Until that time, the people of God cannot; must not; capitulate to the sickness that envelops us.  We must fight back.  We must build barriers in our homes that keep it out.  We have to say no to those sources of evil that wish to mar us with their lack of values.  We cannot become like the world.  We cannot accept in our hearts what we see as something God tolerates.  We must resist in our souls the filth that surrounds us.  We must!

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