Saturday, October 28, 2023

Choose The Higher Ground

“The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” (Hab 3:19 AV)

This is an incredible verse.  Especially considering what comes before it.  There are times of great dearth prophesied by the seer.  These times will inflict Israel.  These times are bleak.  They are times of no refuge.  Yet, in the last two verses of his prophecy, the sage promises to rejoice in the LORD.  The above verse is a testament to the prophet’s demeanor.  He promises to make his gait like a hind’s gait.  The hind is the female of various wild game like the deer, roebuck, or mountain sheep.  The gait of the hind is quick, light, and ready.  The buck, not so much. He has horns by which he can face an adversary.  The hind’s best defense is flight.  He knows the LORD will place him on high.  Or, in a state that allows him to live above the circumstances around him.  The prophet is saying amid the confusion and trouble God will bring to mankind, he will flee to God, walk with Him, and live above the circumstances which others have caused.

Just because there is chaos all around us doesn’t mean we have to be a victim of it.  We have many truths to which we can cling.  Just because the five senses tell us things are spiraling out of control doesn’t mean we have to participate.  Emotionally, anyway.  We can choose to separate from all the emotional turmoil that the circumstances of our world seem to heap upon us.  We can turn it off and choose to live above it.  For example, I used to be an avid consumer of news.  I would watch for hours on end.  But then I discovered several things.  Those broadcasting the news haven’t a clue what they are reporting.  Even if they have all the facts correct, the real significance of it all escapes their mind.  There is a worldview that they know nothing about.  They cannot define the events of today in the context of a divine plan.  Christian news isn’t much better.  Even though they have the correct worldview, priorities are a bit skewed.  Rather than concentrating on what Jesus left us; namely the great commission; we are drawn to the latest prophecy update or conspiracy theory that explains the government’s behavior.  We are locked on to the turmoil like a gawker drawn to a car accident.  The drama is addicting.

Not anymore!  Yes, what is happening in Israel interests me to the point of praying for their salvation.  Gog and Magog may soon commence and that means the rapture is right around the corner.  Taking offense at the protesters who hate Israel is rather easy.  But the truth of the matter is, that Palestinians and Jews alike need Jesus.  Jesus died for them both!  As the days march on and the trouble seems to mount, we can choose to live above it or be sucked into it.  As food becomes more scarce, gas lines increase, violence rises, and we lose our homes, we can choose to run to God and live above it all, or we can become emotional hostages to the whims of a world gone mad.  Like Habakkuk, we can choose to see all the chaos around us and flee to the person of God, or we can be dragged down into the muck and mire of despair that is the world.  The choice is ours.

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