Sunday, October 8, 2023

Our Overcoming Savior

“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” (Re 17:14 AV)

Amen and amen.  The world’s days are numbered.  It is kind of sad, though.  Knowing the vast majority of the human population will suffer horrible tragedies for rejecting Jesus Christ is not a pretty thought.  Last night I mused on the situation in Israel.  With the invention of electronic transmission, the atrocities of war can be seen in all their horrible realities.  There is no filter.  War is not pretty.  War is monstrous.  What man will do with the person of his enemy is beyond imagination.  It is not just Israel.  There is a battle waging in Ukraine.  There was a coup or two on the African continent.  There are wars and rumors of wars all around the world.  There are violent crimes that even the most depraved mind cannot comprehend.  The depth of human suffering is traceable to one cause and one cause only.  Mankind suffers because it hates God.  This hatred is ramping up.  Take, for instance, the legal persecution of believers in our own country.  Why do God haters need to sue anyone for living according to their faith?  Is there not another baker, photographer, or school that will accommodate your needs?  So what if they do not support your life choices.  Most do.  Go find one of them to do what you need to be done.  Why target those who have little to no impact on the life you choose to live?  There is only one reason.  Hatred.  But Jesus is coming back and all Jesus haters will be dealt with.  It will not be pretty.  But it will honor and glorify our holy God.

Every once in a while someone will ask me for evidence that what I believe is true.  How do I know the Bible is true?  How do I know God is real?  How do I know that Jesus is the only way to salvation?  If the one asking does not have a biblical reference point, the truth of the word of God will have no effect.  Sometimes I go through a logic bridge that connects God’s existence with the need for His word to be perfect and available.  But that takes a bit of time.   Most people want a short and succinct answer to their question.  So the one that works for me is the reaction the majority has to truth.   If God does not exist, why get so angry at people who believe He does?  If Israel is not the nation God chooses to give His law and the nation from which He will eventually rule, why hate them so much?  Why seek their complete annihilation?  If Jesus is not the only way to eternal life or if eternal life doesn’t exist at all, why hate Him or those who believe it to be so?  Why the hatred?  The hatred itself is proof of its existence.  This is why mankind hates God so much.  It is not because they hate a false idea.  They hate God because God exists.

All this hatred for God will not stand.  As much as man thinks they can remove God from Earth, they are sadly mistaken.  He rules heaven and Earth.  There is no greater.  By Him, all things consist.  As much as the world huffs and puffs against God and His saints, they will learn eventually that God is someone they cannot truffle with.  Jesus is coming back.  He is coming back to take back what is His.  He is coming back to defeat all His enemies.  He is coming back to destroy all resistance.  There really is no stopping it.  Mankind can resist in complete defiance, but it will not affect a thing.  It doesn’t matter if mankind resists a little or a lot.  The battle will be swift and over in mere seconds.  At the valley of decision will rest the residue of the world’s population who hate God.  Their bodies will rot and their souls will be in torment.  What a horrible way to end one’s existence.  The only advice I can give is to repent and believe lest you are numbered among the God-haters.  Trust Jesus and His mercy before you burn in a devil’s hell for all of eternity.

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