Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What's Our Motive?

And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have wrought with you for my name’s sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.” (Eze 20:44 AV)

The underlined phrase occurs four times in Ezekiel chapter twenty.  The first time regards the Exodus.  The second time regards the wilderness wandering and conquering of Canaan.  The third time it is used, the LORD is speaking of the dispersion into Gentile lands.  Here is the fourth time this phrase is used and the LORD is speaking of the restoration of Israel at the commencement of the Millennial reign of Christ.  Regardless of the circumstances, whether correction or restoration, the LORD does it all for His name’s sake.  This began a time of meditation wherein I had to ask myself how much of what I desire God to do is for my sake or His.   Do I desire freedom from sin so that He might be glorified, or do I want it to make me feel better?  Do I desire a miracle for my wife’s health because I am anxious otherwise?  Or, do I desire the LORD to work so He might have all the glory?  This truth made me ponder just how much of my prayer life is inward-centered rather than upward-centered.  How much of what we ask for is for our or others’ benefit as opposed to God’s alone?

There is a more important truth to consider here.  Note especially with what the LORD is working.  The LORD is working directly with a nation.  He is leading, forming, and using a nation.  The same can be applied to an individual.  When God works, He also works on and with individuals.  This begs another question.  How much do we seek God’s hand to have His way in all circumstances and how does that affect our prayer life?  When we make a prayer list, do we ponder the effect any given answer to those prayers would have on the name of God?  An obvious miracle may not have the same effect on the name of the LORD as an outcome for which we are not praying.

Motive was my main concern this morning.  My prayer list is long.  There are several missionaries whom we support who are facing difficulties on the field.  Some are even struggling to stay on the field.  I know for what to pray, but what is the motive?  Our list of cancer fighters is a large one.  For such a small congregation, the affected rate is above thirty percent.  Throw in relatives of attendees or acquaintances, and we have a significant list of those battling this horrible disease.  For what do we pray, specifically, and why?  At any one time, there are several facing a real battle with sin.  Some have lost much.  We know what we want to see.  We want to see full deliverance and restoration.  Not just of their relationship with the LORD, but the situation of life as well.  But why?  Do we ask the LORD for deliverance from sin because guilt and shame are too heavy to bear?  Do we seek deliverance because the consequences are too great to assume?  Perhaps motive should be a consideration.  If we seek transformation into Christlikeness; which every sincere child of God does; what is the motive?  You see, the motive must be for the glory of God, first.  For His name’s sake.  That the God of the universe might be glorified in all that we do, are, and will become.  What a cleansing way in which to pray to the Father.  For His name’s sake, work on the child of God!

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