Saturday, July 8, 2023

Dark Days Lead To Sun Rays

For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.” (Eze 30:3 AV)

Whether we like it or not, this is where the world is today.  We are in the time of the heathen.  World wide, Christianity is waning.  There may be pockets of revival and souls are still coming to Christ, but not like they used to.  Our churches are slowly closing.  The influence of Christianity on our society is rapidly decreasing.  The heathen are not content to co-exist.  They want us silenced.  Or better yet, exterminated.  The heathen imagine a vain thing.  They rage against the God who created them.  The saint can feel it.  He or she can feel the darkness rising.  We can sense the lack of the Holy Spirit’s influence on the affairs of men.  Mankind has chosen to reject God.  Worse, they have chosen to fight against Him.  All that God cares about is considered a target by the heathen.  Even our children, who have a special place in the heart of God are murdered or mutilated in the name of heathenism.  The place of the believer is to maintain one’s joy, hope, praise, and compassion.  We cannot allow the condition of a dark world to affect us to the point God’s glory is lost.  We know what to expect.  We have the Word of God that plainly tells us of these things and what to expect next.  The time of the tribulation will not come suddenly and without warning.  Jesus reminds us in Matthew chapter twenty-four that there are signs leading up to the tribulation.  This is what we are living today.

But let us not forget we have a hope the heathen refuse.  We know how this story ends.  The heathen may brainwash themselves into thinking there is no such thing as God and that the world will continue a millennium in the same trajectory they have laid out.  We know better.  The context of the verse above is the judgment of Egypt.  Babylon is rising and they will conquer all of the middle east and some of the far east.  Nations will be destroyed and slaves taken into captivity.  Egypt, because of her pride, was permanently abased by God through many adversaries.  They never recovered to their former glory.  Today, Egypt is little more than a tourist nation.  They have little significance on the world stage.  Once, they were the power of the world for almost 1,000 years.  Not since Babylon!  They have been reduced to a minimal nation with little influence.  God had the last word.

This is our hope.  No matter how dark the night might get, there will be a sunrise.  Jesus is coming back and when He does, it will be the end of heathen influence in the world.  When Jesus comes back, the devil will be thrust into hell.  When Jesus comes back, all the perversion will cease.  The murder and mutilation of children will end.  All would be required to worship the LORD Jesus Christ.  If you are one of those heathen are recoil at this last paragraph thinking you will defy the living God, don’t worry.  You won’t be there.  As you rise in defiance of Almighty God, when He returns, you will be dispatched to a devil’s hell for all of eternity.  The only hope is repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.  That is your only hope.  So, saint, lift up that chin.  Don’t let the grey clouds ruin your day.  Behind every dark sky, there is a Son waiting to break through!

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