Tuesday, July 25, 2023

No Second Chances

What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.” (Na 1:9 AV)


This pronouncement is against Nineveh.  The same Nineveh who responded to the preaching of Jonah.  Nahum preached to Nineveh about 190 years after Jonah’s revival.  It didn’t take much. One a few generations and all that God did for them was completely lost.  God spared the city from complete destruction.  Rather than seeking the God of Israel and befriending God’s people, they turned against the LORD.  They invaded Israel’s east and north sides.  They took away all of their material wealth and removed the people to Assyria.  There, the people of God served their captors.  Eventually, the ten northern tribes were dispersed throughout the entire middle east and Europe.  This one act by the Nineveh doomed them forever.  When Nahum the prophet tells them that God will not rise up the second time, what he means is when the LORD brings judgment, it will be so thorough there will not be a second time needed.  All of it will be destroyed.

Mankind is so fragile and they do not even realize it.  They are busy trying to save the planet because they think if they outlaw all fossil fuels, somehow the human race will be saved.  Don’t let them fool you.  It isn’t about saving a cute furry little creature from extinction.  These people do not believe mankind can destroy creation.  They know better.  There is enough evidence that tells us God’s creation adapts.  Return to the location of a volcanic eruption a few decades later, and the observer will find a restored ecosystem.  No, they are not afraid that a cute little furry creature will become extinct.  What they are afraid of is the human race becoming extinct.  In particular, themselves.  If they only understood how right they were.  Not that your hairspray or your SUV is going to wipe out whole continents.  But there is a force greater than creation itself.  He is the Creator!

Paul instructs us that all we observe was created by God and kept by God. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” (Col 1:16-17 AV)   An honest scientist will tell you the atom should not be able to maintain its structural integrity.  It should fly apart.  There is too much mystery in the existence of the physical world to deny a power greater than it, keeps it together.  The Creator keeps it all under His sovereign control.  Because He is the Creator, He has the right to demand of His creation behavior suited to His pleasing.  Because it does not, He has the liberty to destroy it and start all over again.

When God does judge, He will not have to do so a second time.  His fire of purging will be so thorough there will be no need for a second flame.  Jesus is coming back!  He will return with all His saints.  He will come with the word of God and the sword of His mouth.  Proclaiming judgment upon rebellious mankind, no amount of electric cars or appliances can stop it!  All those who shake their fist at God will meet Him face to face.  They will have to give an account of all they did and why they rejected the free gift of salvation that cost His Son His life.  Once no answer is found, an eternal punishment awaits.  It will only happen once.  God will not have to speak a second time.  The only hope is repentance.  Repentance that comes immediately.  One eternity starts, there are no more second chances.  He will not speak a second time.

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