Monday, July 31, 2023

She Has and Will do Good All Her Life

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” (Pr 31:12 AV)


There are a lot of qualities listed for the godly wife of Proverbs chapter thirty-one.  In my humble opinion, the one quality above encapsulates the purpose God has for a wife.  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.  The definition of the word ‘…good…’ is truly interesting.  The word means pleasant or agreeable.  But the interesting thing about this word is she is pleasant and agreeable in many aspects of her relationship with her husband.  Spiritually, physically, and intellectually, she is pleasant and agreeable.  I don’t think I can give you an adequate definition in English without writing an entire blog on it, so I will leave you to the investigation.  Suffice it to say, a wife is given to her husband to be his help, and meet for him, she will compliment him and his weaknesses in a way that is pleasant and agreeable.  In short, a godly wife is the perfect match for her husband and makes life the greatest gift outside of salvation that God could ever give someone.

The second thing I notice is the duration.  The godly wife will be this way her entire life.  It is a matter of character and disposition.   Someone who is like this is because the Spirit of God and the blood of Christ have made her that way.  Doing good is not limited to a personality type.  Doing good is a conviction.  She is like this even when her husband isn’t what he should be.  She will not cross a line of evil under any circumstance.  She cannot become someone God would be displeased with. She will honor her husband and meet his shortcomings with her charity, strength, forethought, compassion, and character.  She will look for circumstances and conditions when he needs her most.  She will pick up on his troubled days, his lack of patience, or his weariness and make it her mission to encourage him to continue to lead, protect, and provide.  The godly woman believes her husband is the perfect man for her.  She is not naïve.  She is not blind.  She knows what she has.  But instead of wishing for someone else or complaining about what he is not, she sees this as her mission.  She sees her part in this relationship to be what he is not so he can be what she is not.  Together, they go through life being one another's crutch.  A compliment to one another so both can be what God intended them to be.

When I think of  Proverbs 31 woman, no one is a better example of it than the saint God has given me to share the grace of life with.  I can honestly say she has done me good and not evil all of her life.  And I have no doubt she will continue for the rest of it.  I cannot begin to list all the ways in which I have been blessed with the helpmeet God gave me.  She is truly incredible.  She is not one in a million.  That implies there are others like her.  She is a one and only!  She is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31.  In every way.  When I think of all the character traits listed in this chapter, the one above rises to the top.  Our life together is incredible.  We have had trouble and trials.  Every couple does.  But I can say, without any hint of exaggeration, there was never a time when life got us to the point where we began to take one another for granted, argued beyond quick reconciliation, or thought for one minute we would have been better off without the other.  When I think of all the possibilities, numerically speaking, of who my spouse might or could have been, I can say without reservation, God brought to me my perfect help meet.  She is a treasure second only to God Himself.  She is doing me good all the days of her life.  And she always will.

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