Sunday, February 12, 2023

What Does God See?

Neither shalt thou set thee up any image; which the LORD thy God hateth.” (De 16:22 AV)

I know the context is idol worship, but there is a broader principle at play here.  Truly, the people of God should not set up images made of stone or wood to bow down to them as though they were representations of gods that do not exist.  This is a no-brainer.  But I have to wonder if the same principle can apply no matter the use of the image, or even the medium on which it appears.  In other words, one has to wonder if artwork or entertainment cannot also apply here.  They are images.  They are facsimiles of something true or imagined.  My mind went to classic artwork one would find in any museum.  The saint would have to wonder if the LORD would approve of any artwork that exhibited immodesty.  Certainly not.  What of our entertainment choices?  The obvious, no one would argue.  That which passes as normal would be immodest at best.  But what of other things?  How much of what we see, hear, or watch would be considered inappropriate imagery and that which God hates?  Do we even bother to ask that question before we consume unhindered that which most would consume?

I grew up in a generation where the TV was invented.  First, there was black and white television.  Then came along the color TV.  Now, we have super high-definition TV that looks lifelike.  I remember when there were only three stations.  Then four.  Then cable television came along and now there are more choices than ever.  I remember when commercials were about household products and cars.  Now, everything imaginable is sold.  Even those things one would never discuss in public.  I remember when one could turn on the TV and not have to fear what might unexpectedly come across the airwaves.  Now, the casual viewer had to sit with the remote in hand, ready to kill the station of an advertisement that comes across as inappropriate for everyone.  So, the question remains.  How much does our imagery offend a holy God?  I would have to say the lion’s share of it.

Fundamentalists are accused of being overly strict.  We are seen as too rigid in our standards.  Fundamentalists are seen as abnormal, mentally unfit, and even dangerous.  We try to avoid any activity that might lead to more egregious sin.  We try to avoid all depictions of inappropriate imagery.  We are seen as out of touch and reactionary to something the world sees as normal and innocent.  It really doesn’t matter.  What God thinks of it is far more important than what man thinks of it.  When we sit down to watch tv, play an app on our phone, read the news, or do any activity where imagery or thoughts can enter the mind, do we ask ourselves how God feels?  God does have an opinion.  He does have feelings.  Does He matter?

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