Friday, July 3, 2020

Yes, We Really Are Capable of That

And he settled his countenance stedfastly, until he was ashamed: and the man of God wept. And Hazael said, Why weepeth my lord? And he answered, Because I know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of Israel: their strong holds wilt thou set on fire, and their young men wilt thou slay with the sword, and wilt dash their children, and rip up their women with child. And Hazael said, But what, is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing? And Elisha answered, The LORD hath shewed me that thou shalt be king over Syria.” (2Ki 8:11-13 AV)

Behhadad, king of Syria, sent his servant Hazael to Elisha that he might know if he was to recover from his present illness.  The short answer was that indeed Benhadad could recover but would not.  The reason being, Hazael would murder him and become king of Syria.  What is of note here is the reaction of Elisha to what he saw in Hazael and Hazael’s reaction to the prophecies of Elisha.  Elisha was moved because Hazael had no positive reaction to the gaze of the man of God upon him. Hazael felt shame.  When the man of God stares him down and he knows the man of God had read his heart, Hazael feels shame.  Apparently, not enough to change his plans.  What comes next is what struck me as an unfortunate truth.  Perhaps the initial shame was caused by Hazael realizing Elisha knew what he was planning concerning Benhadad.  When Elisha explained his tears were not because of the coming murder of his ill king, but rather, what Hazael would do to Israel, Hazael was taken back.  He could easily envision himself as an opportunist to kill an ailing king and take the throne.  What we couldn’t envision was that he would be a monstrous king who would inflict much pain on his neighbors.

I cannot begin to tell you the times I was astounded a the level of sin I had stooped to.  I have counseled many people who had come to the end of themselves and were shocked they allowed themselves to be caught away in sin and not find their lives in ruins.  Drug addiction comes to mind.  There is a marital situation involving unfaithfulness that comes to mind.  I had the privilege of helping a couple wherein one of the spouses was unfaithful to the other.  It began as rather benign.  A coworker became a friend.  That friend became a close companion.  That close companion became a lover.  The thing is, when it all started, this spouse would have never in a million years thought infidelity was on the table.  They had been married for several years and shared children.  As far as anyone could see, their marriage was rock solid and there seemed to be no reason for this affair.  There were no stresses in the home.  This couple was living out their dream.  As this spouse sat in my office, a shocked face was worn.  How did this happen?  How did I allow this to happen to me?  I thought I knew better.  How could I have been so selfish?  What was I thinking?  Other people do these sorts of things.  But not me! 

We are naïve to think we are basically good and there are lines we would never cross.  Hazeal was shocked to think he was capable of the charges Elisha brought to the forefront.  What would make him do such a thing?  All he wants is to be king.  He doesn’t want to take that opportunity and be someone who would do such things.  I would caution the child of God.  Something my mentors taught me shortly after I was saved is to be afraid of what one might become.  They drilled into our heads the awfulness of mankind’s sinful heart.  That included me.  They taught us we are not immune.  That if we are not aware of what we are capable of, we could fall far fall.  There should be fear.  There should be a fear of sin.  There should be a reality check that no matter who we are or how spiritual we may think we are, serious wickedness is not off the table.  The temptation is still there and the only thing that will keep us from falling is a transparent, real, and deep walk with God.

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