Monday, July 27, 2020

It Really Does Have a Purpose

For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.” (Isa 45:18 AV)


If you are like me, watching the world in turmoil right now we wonder if there is any point to creation at all.  We wonder if when the LORD is coming back and putting an end to it all.  We quantify all that is going on and we see more bad news than good.  We see a world coming apart at the seems with no real value to it all.  There is a web site which I frequent from time to time.  The design of which is to keep people in the same demographic area informed and inter-acting with one another.  There was a major disturbance in our city and someone asked what was going on.  One of the replies simply referred to it as the revolution.  What is sad about all this is people are up in arms but they do not realize the consequences of such a revolution.  We wonder between the riots, the virus, and financial hardships shared throughout the world if the purpose for our existence has well passed its usefulness.  But the Bible tells us God did not create the world in vain.  He knew all that was going to happen in 2020 and He still says we do not exist in vain.  There is a purpose for all of this and the divine mind has a benevolent outcome.

I taught bible class in a Christian school for a few years.  It was ninth and tenth grade bible.  In that class we had a myriad of students.  We had several who were not of our doctrinal base.  In any class, there are different types of students.  There were serious learners.  There were those who needed it to pass.  And there were those who were there to cause problems.  The school in which I taught was not very good at discipline.  There was inconsistency in applying corrective measures.  The more strained a home life from which a student came, the more lenient the administration seemed to be.  If a student acted out in class, the administration seemed to undermine the teacher’s efforts in getting control of the classroom.  Too much liberty abounded there.  There were several of my friends who also taught there.  They didn’t make it long.  The school was out of control and one fella lasted a year while the other didn’t last six months.  I don’t blame them.  I wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for my own children.  From time to time, I would be asked why I committed to such a tenuous undertaking.  Why bother when many young people would rebel and reject the very truth I was trying to instill?  Why bother if every day I would be taking a risk that might cost me my ministry?  Was it all one big waste of time?

God does not do anything without purpose and objectives.  If He does all things for a purpose and has an objective in mind, then it is never in vain.  We must believe this when we watch the news and look out our windows.  Even though we see a great waste of humanity parading through the eras of time, it is not in vain.  Even though we hear of wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, or discontentment beyond control, it is not in vain.  Even though the planet will experience seven years of unimaginable horror, it is not in vain.  Even though humanity is self-destructive, evil and beyond the hope of self-reclamation, it is not in vain.  Even when they burn churches, God’s creation will not have been done in vain.  All that God created, even though mankind has done all they could to destroy it, was not and will not be in vain.  The LORD will save those who seek Him.  He will transform His creation back to the righteousness and holiness He intended.  The flower will bloom again.  The morning will break.  The clouds will be rolled back.  No matter how bleak it may look, the LORD did not do all this in vain!

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