Thursday, July 16, 2020

It's Just Noise

Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.” (Isa 17:12-13 AV)

If this doesn’t speak to our situation today, I don’t know what else would.  The entire world has risen against nothing in particular.  It was started by what many would consider a legitimate grievance.  But the uprising has taken on a life of its own.  It initially attacked, among other things, socially unacceptable monuments.  Now, it is any and all regardless of meaning.  This is the nature of such activities.  The point is to make noise and to make a rushing.  The point is to cause such a tumultuous reality that chaos reigns unto a new world order in which the leaders of the chaos eventually rule.  It may start with what many consider a noble cause, but it ends in something entirely different.  The Tribulation will end in such a tumult.  The world will make noise and a rushing on the city of our God.  But to the LORD, it is just noise.  No matter how much the world rises against the LORD, it never works.  It didn’t work in the face of Noah’s ark.  It didn’t work at the Tower of Bable.  It didn’t work at Calvary.  And it won’t work when Christ returns.

Don’t get me wrong.  There are good causes that require the masses to express their outrage which results in positive change.  Equally so, many causes go against the very dictates of God.  June is now Pride month.  The month that every Sodomite comes out of the woodwork to parade their wickedness to the world.  They demand justice and equal rights.  When they achieve that, their next goal is to silence any opposition to the gay lifestyle.  This is a mob whom the LORD speaks of above.  Some wish to eradicate the LORD from every nook and cranny of American culture.  They are tearing down statues and burning churches.  These are not righteous causes.  This is immorality on display.  We should be concerned.  We should take prudent steps to ensure our safety and we cannot be silent.  We should voice an opinion contrary to what the mobs declare.  There is a risk involved.  There may be a cost to pay.  But let us remember one thing.  To and omnipotent God, it is just noise.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

Mankind may think they can kick God off the planet.  They will think themselves successful when the Church is raptured and the AntiChrist takes over.  Much to their surprise, the noise and rushing that brings in the AntiChrist will soon be quelched against the wishes of the masses.  It happens in every circumstance.  What the saint must remember is God’s view of the events of our planet.  We may consider it an uncontrollable tumult.  One that will steamroll the people of God.  But what does God consider it?  It is just noise.  In the whole scheme of God’s decreed plans, it will not accomplish that which it is setting out to do.  Just like the Tower of Bable, this noise will amount to nothing.  Mankind cannot remove God from His creation.  No matter how much noise he makes.  Mankind cannot kick God out of anyplace He desires to set His name.  No matter the rushing.  It may be loud and disconcerting to us, but to the LORD, it is just noise.

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