Sunday, July 12, 2020

Underneath It All

A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.” (Pr 12:3 AV)

What struck me here are two words.  The word ‘established’ and the word ‘root’.  The meaning is obvious.  Before any action is done, the foundation will determine success.  If the nature of a person is wicked, then they will not be able to sustain their life’s ambitions or desires.  Their life will eventually fall apart.  However, if the root or foundation is right, then what is built thereon will be secure.  In other words, our character determines how well we bear up in life’s trials and storms.  Our inner character is the most important of all that we possess that determines the type of life we will produce.  That which is seen above ground may not indicate what is below ground.  It may appear to be strong, but if the trials of life come, no matter the appearance, it cannot stand.  If the appearance above ground isn’t all that attractive, this may not be the deciding factor in weathering what may come.  It is what is underneath that will eventually determine the health of the life.

One of the parsonage’s I had the joy of inhabiting had in its front yard two trees.  When we moved there, three donned the front yard.  The power company took out one of those trees because they were tired of trimming the tree around powerlines.  This left one of the two remaining open to all the weather which came from the west.  Prior, the tree that was removed gave some shelter.  The remaining tree did show signs of stress.  The locals called these trees, water maples.  Others may call it the Silver Maple.  These trees are not the hardiest of the maples.  Our particular tree was no exception.  When a particularly strong storm arose, it was not uncommon to have a mess that needed to be cut up and discarded.  The thing is, even with all the battle scars this tree had, it still was able to regenerate.  There was never a lack of leaves on this tree as our fall months could attest.  Although it wasn’t the prettiest of all trees, it seemed to be a tree that would fight through the worst which the weather could put against it.  That is, until last year.  I got word that a particularly strong storm completely pushed this tree over and out of the ground.  This tree is no bush.  It was at least forty feet high.  The trunk was easily three feet thick.   This was no bush.  The problem with silver maples is their root system.  It is not very deep.  Such was the case here.  Built upon a shallow root system and sandy clay soil, this tree could not withstand what came upon it.  It could not be established.

Such is the case with our lives.  Character matters.  This truth is sorely lacking in our present generation.  When I was growing up, my dad tried to instill in us the importance of character.  He didn’t come right out and say it.  Rather, his rules and punishment were designed to build character.  He stressed honesty and obedience above all else.  He demanded respect to be shown all who were in authority.  He kept us from friends or influences that could harm us.  It took the time to show us why these associations were not a healthy pursuit.  Character matters.  Character will determine how successful that which we have built truly is.  It doesn’t have to look pretty.  It doesn’t have to be the best on the block.  It just has to withstand the temptations of life and the attacks of the adversary.  Character matters.  What we are on the inside will determine sustainability on the outside.

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