Sunday, April 12, 2020

Not An Easy Road for the Righteous

The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.” (Ps 11:5 AV)

One would wonder why the LORD has to try the righteous.  If a person is righteous, what needs to be tried?  The word for ‘…trieth…’ means, to examine, try, prove, scrutinize, to test, prove, try.”  When compared against the wicked, one might think the wicked need to be tried.  The righteous can be left alone.  However, there is a distinction here that needs to be made.  The LORD tries the righteous, but the wicked He judges.  By implication, the motive for this ‘trying’ is love.  We assume this because of the emotional response God has towards the wicked.  He hates them.  Just a side note, God loves the wicked enough to sacrifice His Son for their soul.  So, study what the word ‘hate’ means as it pertains to the use of the word in the Bible.  The word does not mean the LORD cannot love the wicked enough to save them.  But let us return to the matter at hand.  God tries the righteous and His motive is love.  Or, the opposite of hate.

Job is our best example here.  Job was a man who feared God and hated evil.  He was a righteous man if there ever was one.  In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and say Job was the most naturally righteous man that ever lived.  Yet, the LORD saw fit to try him.  Job struggled because he believed righteousness meant the absence of trying times.  He believed his righteousness earned him a life that was free from the deep troubles others may experience.  He believed that troubles were only a result of sin and since he was a man who loved and lived righteousness, he shouldn’t be experiencing the hardships revealed in the book that bears his name.  The thing is, God loved Job enough to require he suffer at the hands of his adversary.  This may sound strange, but the truth is, God loves us too much to let us live in the status quo.  He desires that we mature.

This whole business of the COVID-19 virus has even the elect acting a bit squirrely.  No one wants to get ill.  Especially when we consider the symptoms.  In 2009, the LORD saw fit to allow me to contract the swine flu.  It hit on the weekend I was to move to a new ministry and state.  The day we were packing out, I was in my office chair with a blanket over me, watching out a window as others packed the truck.  I couldn’t move.  Literally.  I was so sick I couldn’t walk twenty feet to the bathroom.  If that was the H1N1 virus, I certainly do not wish to come down with the Wuhan Flu.  The thing is, I can take as many precautions as I can prudently take.  I spend all but about an hour a day in my house.  The hour that I do spend is mostly outside with my dog.  Almost always in my front yard.  There might be another hour per week shopping, but other than that and live-streaming our services, I am around no one.  When we do go out shopping we practice social distancing and wear face masks.  However, if the LORD saw fit to ask me to suffer from the COVID-19 virus, there is nothing I can do about it.  It would be the LORD trying the righteous.  There would be areas of my life that need to be cleaned up or a lack of faith that needs to be challenged.  The LORD simply loves us too much to allow us to stay as we are.  We can always be a little bit more like Christ.

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