Thursday, April 9, 2020

More Than A Seer

(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)” (1Sa 9:9 AV)

When Israel choose a king, the effect was more personal for the man of God.  The effect their choice had on his office changed the very nature of his calling.  To understand this, all we need to do is compare what a Prophet was and what a Seer was.  The function of a Seer came before the office of a Prophet.  The word ‘Seer’ means, “to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider”.  The Seer was someone you would go to if you had a problem or simply needed some advice.  He had no authority to speak of.  He was a service to those in need.  The word Prophet means, “spokesman, speaker, prophet”.  A Prophet was an ordained office for the function of declaring the word of God in a position of authority.  People were expected to submit to the word of the prophet if that word was from the LORD.  His word was tested against what actually happened.  If his message proved true, he was a true prophet and worthy to be followed.  What we want to notice is the change that came to Samuel as a result of the people desiring a king.  In verse eleven of the same chapter, Saul refers to the Prophet as a Seer.  One may not think this is significant.  But it is.  The office and function of Samuel changed from the one who gave the word of God in authority to an adviser.  No longer was he perceived as the strong voice declaring the word of God, but rather, a nice man who had wise words who can help someone out of a jam.

When the people of God reject the authority God has placed over them, they generally reject all authority placed over them.  When they chose a king, what they were really doing was rejecting God.  They desired a human representative who would better reflect their values.  The scriptures suggest the people had already had Saul in mind when the asked for a king.  They exercised the right of self-determination and desired to rule themselves, thus firing God and His prophet as their authority.  This downgraded the Prophet to a Seer.  This is the general concept in our churches today.  The man of God is not seen as an authority figure.  Now, God has been good to me.  The people I serve do see the office as one with authority.  But that is not always the case.  From a preacher’s perspective, let me share what that might feel like.

Imagine what Samuel went through.  At one time, people looked up to him because they knew he was the man of God.  They knew his word was from God.  Even though they had the will to choose, they still understood his word came from God and to reject it meant they rejected God.  They saw him as someone to respect.  They saw him as someone who walked with God and knew the word of God intimately.  They saw him as one who could and would perform an office which they were neither qualified for or had the desire to fulfill.  They understood that with that responsibility came lonely days.  They knew with that office came hardships that no one else could understand.  They understood the sacrifice he was making to lead them and appreciated him for it.  Now, he sits in his house waiting for anyone who might need his help.  They come to him like a google search engine.  All they want is their curiosity satisfied, the problems solved, or comfort when they are hurting.  But what they won’t do is follow.  He is like this little trinket one takes out of the closet what they need something.  The magic eight ball hidden in one’s drawer when confusion or pain invade the peace of mind.  Well, the man of God is not a Seer.  He is a Prophet.  To treat him any different hurts him more deeply than the child of God may ever imagine.  We are glad to do whatever the people and God allow us to do, but our heart is to lead.  We are glad and feel privileged to help someone who has lost their sheep, is hurting, or needs counsel.  There is a great feeling earned for being the servant that helps others.  But if the man of God is not allowed to lead, then he is only half the man God made him to be.  He is more than a Seer.  He is a Prophet.

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