Wednesday, April 8, 2020

By Comparison

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.” (Pr 8:13 AV)

The thing about devotions is the Spirit may ask you to dwell on a truth several times.  I know that I have written regarding this verse sometime in the past.  However, this truth is a basic one.  It is a foundation for practical godly living.  It goes to the heart of doing the right thing for the right motive.  As we have discussed before, the understanding of the word ‘fear’ has many meanings.  In this particular use, it means to stand in awe of.  It means to hold in reverence.  It does not have an understanding of concern over judgment or wrath.  The word ‘hate’ means to make an enemy of.  What is interesting is the form of the verb ‘hate’ is infinitive.  It has no measure.  In English, we might put the adjective ‘utterly’ or ‘surely’ before the word ‘hate’ to express the same idea.  In other words, to hold in utter reverence the LORD our God results in holding in utter hatred that which God calls evil.  In our passage, the writer gives us four things which are considered evil: pride, arrogancy, the evil way, and the perverse mouth.

My father had the wisdom of exposing his children to the wonders of God’s creation.  We would take regular trips to natural places.  The State in which we lived had an extensive State park system.  Each park accentuated the unique natural beauty in which it was located.  Whether on the shores of a great lake or in the mountains, these parks do a wonderful job of exhibiting the beauty of God’s handiwork.  Home to one of the seven natural wonders of the world, our state makes a point of distancing the more man-made attractions from the beauty and might of the greatest waterfall in the world.  What this training did for us is put into perspective what God can do and what man can do.  When the LORD reveals His hand, it is in such a way that nothing else can compare.  My wife and I like to watch medical shows.  At least I do.  I think she humors me.  I love watching these shows because they validate the truth of Psalm one hundred thirty-nine.  When I listen to the doctors solving complex medical issues and remember these issues are at the molecular level, it testifies more of God’s wonder in assembling the human body than it is the skill of the medical staff.  We should be far more fragile than we are.

This is the meaning of the verse above.  The more we hold God in His rightful place of honor, the more repulsive evil should appear.  If we struggle with evil, it is most likely the cause of an unbiblical view of the God whom we say we worship.  If we fall regularly, there is probably an attribute of the LORD which we need to consider far more deeply.  The more filled of awe our God is to us, the more common and unattractive evil becomes.  To make one more comparison, let me draw another picture.  What it the Empire State Building or the Golden Gate bridge in comparison to Mount Everest?  What is the most beautiful of man’s artistic attempts in comparison to the galaxy?  What is anything we are or can do compared with the holiness of God?  Do we want to overcome evil?  Then draw close to God.  Hold Him in such regard as it makes all other options repulsive.  Fear the LORD and it will result in an infinite hatred towards evil.

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