Monday, February 12, 2018

Not By Intimidation

And the LORD said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (De 18:17-18 AV)

One of the many reasons Jesus Christ came as a man was mankind can not endure the glory of God the Father.  Let me explain.  The context of verse 17 is comparing Israel’s reaction to the voice of God on Mount Horeb with the necessity of God coming in human form.  When God desired to give the law engraved on the tablets of stone, He initially invited the entire nation to ascend Mount Horeb.  However, seeing the mountain on fire and hearing the voice of God, they were terrified and declined the offer.  Moses and Joshua ascended on their behalf.  The same principle here applies.  The people have well spoken in that if they were exposed to the full glory of God, they could not endure it.  Therefore, the LORD sent His Son in the form of a man so that mankind could approach a holy God!

We often see the LORD Jesus Christ as merely the sacrifice offered for our sins.  Yet, He is much more than that.  He is our eldest brother.  He is our friend.  He knows what it is like to feel pain, be hungry or thirsty, and to deal with the loss of someone close.  He did all this so that we would not be overly intimidated by a holy God!

When one stops to think upon this, it is a wonder.  Like a huge adult meeting a strange child for the first time, we can be very intimidating.  We can over power those whom we wish to help.  Getting down to their level is the only way to open a door of ministry.  The LORD could have simply said, “To bad!  Deal with my glory and submit!”  But the LORD is not interested in submission and faith by intimidation.  He is interested in faith and submission by a wholly surrendered will.  Christ came because God did not wish to intimidate man into submission.  The person of Jesus Christ is the personification of grace, patience, and love!

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